Crystal Moon Astrology

Crystal Moon Astrology Crystal Moon Astrology is growing in popularity for very good reason.  It offers everyone an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand connection to the Cosmos and its energy.  It provides easy-to-follow guidance for your individual spirit.  And you don’t need complex birth charts, you don’t need to pay astrologers, you don’t need everyone else’s standard horoscope.…

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Maligano Jasper Display Piece

Maligano Jasper Display Piece-0
Talismans or Amulet
Color Energy
Feng Shui
Chakra Healing
Other Info
  • seeker transformer Jasper is a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of ones life to a more desirable state. Quartz is the most common Seeker.

  • There are many varieties of Jasper, characterized by color, form, and similarities to places or animals found in nature. Most Jaspers draw energy from the earth tones that give them the designs and scenes.  Multi-colored Jasper carries the properties of its predominant color, or colors, while still drawing energies from its subtle hues. To learn about a Jasper’s color energy, please consult our Guide to Crystal Color Energy here.

  • An Earth element stone, Jasper is aligned with the electromagnetic energies of the planet and allows the physical body to resonate into a more present being. It promotes the celebration of moments of isolation to absorb, reflect, and connect with these energies and encourages an awareness of the spiritual connection we hold with all living things. Known as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Jasper is a stone of grounding and stability, providing comfort and security, strength and healing. Its presence balances the aura to a level of wholeness and peace, and acts as a reminder that one is not here on the physical plane simply for oneself, but to bring joy and substance to others.

  • Place any Jasper on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Laying it over each chakra in turn, will cleanse, boost and realign the chakras and aura, balancing yin and yang energies as well as aligning the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm. With Jasper’s diverse range of colors, it is marvelous for use in body layouts, and individual colors should be placed appropriately for specific chakra healing

  • Jaspers  are used to honor Gaia, The Earth Mother.  

  • Jaspers are reported to bring about a sense of calm and open you to the manifest abundance of the universe.

  • Historically, Jasper is traceable to all ancient peoples and civilizations. Worn by shamans, priests and kings, it was considered sacred and a powerful protection stone, for both the physical world and in the spiritual realm. Amulets of Jasper were carved by the Egyptians with special symbols or inscriptions from the Book of the Dead and buried with mummified remains for safe passage in the after life. It was highly employed in the glyptic arts of many cultures for engraving cylinder seals, signet rings, and special talismans depicting astrological and religious images. It was listed in the Bible as the twelfth stone in the Breastplate of Aaron, the Jewish High Priest, and the apostle Peter is supposed to have derived his name from Jasper, the rock upon which Christ would build his church. Jasper has also been known since antiquity as “the rain bringer” and was highly regarded as a stone for dowsing.

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Maligano Jasper Tumbled Stone Set (Extra Large)

Maligano Jasper Tumbled Stone Set (Extra Large)-0
Talismans or Amulet
Color Energy
Feng Shui
Chakra Healing
Other Info
  • seeker transformer Jasper is a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of ones life to a more desirable state. Quartz is the most common Seeker.
  • There are many varieties of Jasper, characterized by color, form, and similarities to places or animals found in nature. Most Jaspers draw energy from the earth tones that give them the designs and scenes.  Multi-colored Jasper carries the properties of its predominant color, or colors, while still drawing energies from its subtle hues. To learn about a Jasper’s color energy, please consult our Guide to Crystal Color Energy here.
  • An Earth element stone, Jasper is aligned with the electromagnetic energies of the planet and allows the physical body to resonate into a more present being. It promotes the celebration of moments of isolation to absorb, reflect, and connect with these energies and encourages an awareness of the spiritual connection we hold with all living things. Known as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Jasper is a stone of grounding and stability, providing comfort and security, strength and healing. Its presence balances the aura to a level of wholeness and peace, and acts as a reminder that one is not here on the physical plane simply for oneself, but to bring joy and substance to others.
  • Place any Jasper on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Laying it over each chakra in turn, will cleanse, boost and realign the chakras and aura, balancing yin and yang energies as well as aligning the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm. With Jasper’s diverse range of colors, it is marvelous for use in body layouts, and individual colors should be placed appropriately for specific chakra healing

  • Jaspers  are used to honor Gaia, The Earth Mother.
  • Jaspers are reported to bring about a sense of calm and open you to the manifest abundance of the universe.
  • Historically, Jasper is traceable to all ancient peoples and civilizations. Worn by shamans, priests and kings, it was considered sacred and a powerful protection stone, for both the physical world and in the spiritual realm. Amulets of Jasper were carved by the Egyptians with special symbols or inscriptions from the Book of the Dead and buried with mummified remains for safe passage in the after life. It was highly employed in the glyptic arts of many cultures for engraving cylinder seals, signet rings, and special talismans depicting astrological and religious images. It was listed in the Bible as the twelfth stone in the Breastplate of Aaron, the Jewish High Priest, and the apostle Peter is supposed to have derived his name from Jasper, the rock upon which Christ would build his church. Jasper has also been known since antiquity as “the rain bringer” and was highly regarded as a stone for dowsing.
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Maligano Jasper Massage Wand

Maligano Jasper Massage Wand-0
Talismans or Amulet
Color Energy
Feng Shui
Chakra Healing
Other Info
  • seeker transformer Jasper is a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of ones life to a more desirable state. Quartz is the most common Seeker.

  • There are many varieties of Jasper, characterized by color, form, and similarities to places or animals found in nature. Most Jaspers draw energy from the earth tones that give them the designs and scenes.  Multi-colored Jasper carries the properties of its predominant color, or colors, while still drawing energies from its subtle hues. To learn about a Jasper’s color energy, please consult our Guide to Crystal Color Energy here.

  • An Earth element stone, Jasper is aligned with the electromagnetic energies of the planet and allows the physical body to resonate into a more present being. It promotes the celebration of moments of isolation to absorb, reflect, and connect with these energies and encourages an awareness of the spiritual connection we hold with all living things. Known as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Jasper is a stone of grounding and stability, providing comfort and security, strength and healing. Its presence balances the aura to a level of wholeness and peace, and acts as a reminder that one is not here on the physical plane simply for oneself, but to bring joy and substance to others.

  • Place any Jasper on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Laying it over each chakra in turn, will cleanse, boost and realign the chakras and aura, balancing yin and yang energies as well as aligning the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm. With Jasper’s diverse range of colors, it is marvelous for use in body layouts, and individual colors should be placed appropriately for specific chakra healing

  • Jaspers  are used to honor Gaia, The Earth Mother.  

  • Jaspers are reported to bring about a sense of calm and open you to the manifest abundance of the universe.

  • Historically, Jasper is traceable to all ancient peoples and civilizations. Worn by shamans, priests and kings, it was considered sacred and a powerful protection stone, for both the physical world and in the spiritual realm. Amulets of Jasper were carved by the Egyptians with special symbols or inscriptions from the Book of the Dead and buried with mummified remains for safe passage in the after life. It was highly employed in the glyptic arts of many cultures for engraving cylinder seals, signet rings, and special talismans depicting astrological and religious images. It was listed in the Bible as the twelfth stone in the Breastplate of Aaron, the Jewish High Priest, and the apostle Peter is supposed to have derived his name from Jasper, the rock upon which Christ would build his church. Jasper has also been known since antiquity as “the rain bringer” and was highly regarded as a stone for dowsing.

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Obsidian Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Obsidian Shop for Obsidian   Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Obsidian Obsidian is a talisman of those who dare to see…the past, the future, or one’s own inner demons and darkest…

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Topaz Meaning and Uses

The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Topaz   Shop for Topaz Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Topaz For thousands of years the mere mention of Topaz has conjured thoughts of opulence and luxury, influence and generosity, vibrancy…

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EarthSong Crystal Tea

View our entire EarthSong Crystal Tea collection   EarthSong Crystal Infused tea is made here at the Crystal Vaults using a proprietary method of pyramid power to focus and imprint the crystals’ energy patterns into the auric and biophysical energy matrix of the tea leaves. The energy patterns of the crystal are the results of…

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Crystals for a Better Life

Crystals for a Better Life Manifesting Life Our lives aren’t always what we have made of them. Things get thrown in our way and we stumble over various obstacles. This can get us feeling down and wishing we had a better life. Fortunately, while you are working your way back up, we feel like crystals…

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Rhodochrosite Uses and Meaning

Rhodochrosite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses Welcome to the Crystal Encyclopedia page for Rhodochrosite. Here you will learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this crystal, including Rhodochrosite healing properties, Rhodochrosite metaphysical properties, using Rhodochrosite in meditation, Feng Shui, spiritual work, and much more! Quick Overview of Rhodochrosite Pronunciation Rhodochrosite (rō′də krō′sīt)…

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Yellow Fluorite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses


Yellow Fluorite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses Welcome to the Crystal Encyclopedia page for Yellow Fluorite. Here you will learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this crystal including Yellow Fluorite healing properties, metaphysical properties, using Yellow Fluorite in meditation, Feng Shui, spiritual work, and much more! Quick Overview of Yellow Fluorite Pronunciation Yellow…

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