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How much do you know about Thulite?
A loving, passionate, and energetic crystal Not a lot of people are familiar with Thulite. It’s a shame because not only is it a beautiful crystal but it is quite powerful as well. Thulite has a rich history as well. It was first discovered in Norway in 1820 and named after the ancient Greek area of…
Read MoreThulite Aura Stone Pair (Small)
Thulite is a Guardian Harmonizer Crystal. When you have something you want to protect use a crystal that forms in the monoclinic system like Jade. These Guardian crystals have an internal structure that is composed of parallelograms. The parallel structure of their crystalline lattice gives these crystals their power to protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual one. The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. These stones rarely, if ever, form transparent crystals. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess.
In the physical world they are excellent aids in protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. They are very useful in protecting houses and homes, property, and valuables.
In the spiritual world, the Guardian crystals have several special uses. They first serve to guard your beliefs against doubt. Everyone at some point begins to doubt some of his or her most cherished beliefs.
These stones are one of the natural birthstones of those born in the first month of autumn (September 23–October 21).
This stone is perfect for devotions to Ceridwen, the Welsh Mother, and Knowledge Goddess.
This stone is associated with the First Chakra, the Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiating through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body. When it is out of balance you will feel flighty and physically adrift. This stone can be used effectively in crystal healing when the Base Chakra is in need of realignment.
It now appears this stone will become associated with GEMINI (21 May – 21 Jun.) Wikipedia tells us Gemini is the third astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Gemini is considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered an air sign, and is one of four mutable signs. Gemini has been closely associated with the planet Mercury and is considered to be ruled by it.
Thulite has Fire energy. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature.
It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion – of ideas, of concepts, and sex. It is alive, potent, but often destructive. We all need the heat, passion, and life giving energy of the fire element. You have that Fire Energy in this stone.
Thulite is a stone of calm and renewal. It’s energy energy is supportive and can help people overcome feeling of stress and heal physical energy blockages. We find it will relieve stress and anxiety, reduces physical inflammation and helps one to keep focused in order to reach life’s goal.
Thulite Tumbled Set (Extra Large)
Talisman or Amulet: Thulite is a Guardian Harmonizer Crystal. When you have something you want to protect use a crystal that forms in the monoclinic system like Jade. These Guardian crystals have an internal structure that is composed of parallelograms. The parallel structure of their crystalline lattice gives these crystals the power to protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual one. The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. These stones rarely, if ever, form transparent crystals. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess.
In the physical world, they are excellent aids in protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. They are very useful in protecting houses and homes, property, and valuables.
In the spiritual world, the Guardian crystals have several special uses. They first serve to guard your beliefs against doubt. Everyone at some point begins to doubt some of his or her most cherished beliefs.
Color: These stones are one of the natural birthstones of those born in the first month of autumn (September 23–October 21).
Goddess: This stone is perfect for devotions to Ceridwen, the Welsh Mother, and Knowledge Goddess.
Healing: This stone is associated with the First Chakra, the Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiates through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body. When it is out of balance you will feel flighty and physically adrift. This stone can be used effectively in crystal healing when the Base Chakra is in need of realignment.
Zodiac: It now appears this stone will become associated with GEMINI (21 May – 21 Jun.) Wikipedia tells us Gemini is the third astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Gemini is considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered an air sign and is one of four mutable signs. Gemini has been closely associated with the planet Mercury and is considered to be ruled by it.
Feng Shui: Thulite has Fire energy. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature.
It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion – of ideas, concepts, and sex. It is alive, potent, but often destructive. We all need the heat, passion, and life-giving energy of the fire element. You have that Fire Energy in this stone.
Other Information: Thulite is a stone of calm and renewal. Its energy is supportive and can help people overcome feelings of stress and heal physical energy blockages. We find it will relieve stress and anxiety, reduce physical inflammation, and help one to keep focused in order to reach life’s goal.
Read MoreThulite Tumbled Set (LG)
Talisman or Amulet: Thulite is a Guardian Harmonizer Crystal. When you have something you want to protect use a crystal that forms in the monoclinic system like Jade. These Guardian crystals have an internal structure that is composed of parallelograms. The parallel structure of their crystalline lattice gives these crystals the power to protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual one. The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. These stones rarely, if ever, form transparent crystals. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess.
In the physical world, they are excellent aids in protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. They are very useful in protecting houses and homes, property, and valuables.
In the spiritual world, the Guardian crystals have several special uses. They first serve to guard your beliefs against doubt. Everyone at some point begins to doubt some of his or her most cherished beliefs.
Color: These stones are one of the natural birthstones of those born in the first month of autumn (September 23–October 21).
Goddess: This stone is perfect for devotions to Ceridwen, the Welsh Mother, and Knowledge Goddess.
Healing: This stone is associated with the First Chakra, the Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiates through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body. When it is out of balance you will feel flighty and physically adrift. This stone can be used effectively in crystal healing when the Base Chakra is in need of realignment.
Zodiac: It now appears this stone will become associated with GEMINI (21 May – 21 Jun.) Wikipedia tells us Gemini is the third astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Gemini is considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered an air sign and is one of four mutable signs. Gemini has been closely associated with the planet Mercury and is considered to be ruled by it.
Feng Shui: Thulite has Fire energy. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature.
It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion – of ideas, concepts, and sex. It is alive, potent, but often destructive. We all need the heat, passion, and life-giving energy of the fire element. You have that Fire Energy in this stone.
Other Information: Thulite is a stone of calm and renewal. Its energy is supportive and can help people overcome feelings of stress and heal physical energy blockages. We find it will relieve stress and anxiety, reduce physical inflammation, and help one to keep focused in order to reach life’s goal.
Read MoreShop for Crystals by Name
Crystals by Name Rarities Agate Amazonite Amber Amethyst Ammonite Angelite Apache Tears Apatite Aquamarine Aragonite Aventurine Azurite Barite Bismuth Bloodstone Bronzite Buddstone Calcite Carnelian Celestite Chalcedony Chiastolite Chrysocolla Chrysoprase Cinnabrite Citrine Coral Cryolite Desert Rose Dragon’s Blood Dumortierite Eclogite Emerald Epidote Eudialyte Fluorite Garnet Goddess Stone Goldstone Healer’s Gold Hematite Hemimorphite Hessonite Howlite Hummingbird Quartz Indigo Gabbro Iolite Isua Jade Jasper Jet…
Read MoreCrystals for a Better Life
Crystals for a Better Life Manifesting Life Our lives aren’t always what we have made of them. Things get thrown in our way and we stumble over various obstacles. This can get us feeling down and wishing we had a better life. Fortunately, while you are working your way back up, we feel like crystals…
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Quick Healing Overview: Cinnabrite is an energetic stone that increases energy, passion, vitality, stamina, harmony, and more. It can be used to bring friends and family together while increasing love and harmony. It can also be brought into the bedroom to improve sex, passion, and stamina.
Birthstone & Zodiac Uses: Cinnabrite is one of the natural birthstones of those born in the first month of Autumn, from September 23rd to October 21st. If you were born at this time of the year, try working with Cinnabrite and see if you seem to feel more connected to yourself. Cinnabrite is also associated with the zodiac sign Gemini (May 21 – June 20). Gemini-born people are intelligent and curious. They wish to know everything about everyone and everything. Learning is one of their favorite things to do.
Uses in Meditation: Amethyst is one of the best crystals for meditation. The amethyst color stimulates the highest vibration of the Third Eye and placing an Amethyst stone directly over this area ushers in a serene meditative state that stills conscious thought and guides the mind toward deeper understanding.
For Chakra Balancing: Cinnabrite is associated with the First Chakra, the Root Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiates through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body. When it is out of balance you will feel flighty and physically adrift. This stone can be used effectively in crystal healing when the Root Chakra is in need of realignment.
Crystal Color Energy: Cinnabrite embodies the white and pink color rays. Pink is the color of new love, new romance, and new relationships. It is particularly powerful in Seeker and Attractor crystals. For finding a girlfriend or boyfriend, or even a mate, a pink Seekers is excellent. White is the color of the feminine gender, manifested as the Goddess in many cultures, and, as such, the color of the world of birth, and regeneration.
Associated Goddesses: Cinnabrite honors Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty.
Feng Shui Uses: Cinnabrite has Fire Energy. Fire energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion – of ideas, concepts, and sex. Fire Energy is traditionally associated with the south area of a home or room, and with the fame and reputation area of your dwelling. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community and within your family.
Talisman Energy: Cinnabrite is a Guardian Harmonizer Crystal. When you have something you want to protect use a crystal that forms in the monoclinic system like Cinnabrite. These Guardian crystals have an internal structure that is composed of parallelograms. The parallel structure of their crystalline lattice gives these crystals the power to protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual one. In the physical world, they are excellent aids in protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. They are very useful in protecting houses and homes, property, and valuables.
Read MoreCrystals for Romance
Sometimes finding romance is often confused with finding love. Even if you have love, sometimes you are lacking romance. This can often happen after years in a relationship. Many couples say the fire in their relationship is gone or there is no more passion. The love is still there but the romance…
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