Rosasite, Crystal Secrets

Crystal secrets is a new mini-series we're offering here at Crystal Vaults. We will discuss one uncommon crystal. Today we will be discussing the crystal secrets of Rosasite.

We have several incredible, bright, and beautiful clusters of Rosasite available. They contain very pure and soothing energy. Rosasite opens bottled emotions that block the mind from thinking clearly and stimulates balance and wholeness.

Rosasite can...

  • clear and balance the Throat Chakra
  • improve the state of the emotional body
  • be used in body layouts for self-healing or activation of higher states of awareness
  • create a shield around you, another person, or an item you wish to protect
  • help you push out all negative vibrations, even ones you can’t seem to shake
  • act as a “booster shot” to help you get back on your feet in these times of distress
  • bring the energy of safety and protection to your home and crystal grids
  • and much more!

Did you know?

Rosasite is a Dispeller Builder crystal. Dispellers are crystals that form in the orthorhombic crystal system. They are very helpful talismans for mental and spiritual problems. All of us have problems. Some are physical, some spiritual. Certainly, our lives would be more enjoyable and more productive if we could rid ourselves of them. Worry, anxiety, fear, and doubt can literally cripple us and make our lives miserable.

When crystals are carbonates, they have the earth energy of Builders. These crystals, like Rosasite, are excellent in applications in which something new needs to be made from something old. Woodworkers, stone workers, artists, painters, and others involved in the creative arts benefit from this type of crystal.

FREE Guardian & Protection Crystal Grid

We have a new, very special crystal grid created by one of our Crystal Grid Masters. It is a grid to act as a guardian and protection for you, your home (or wherever you place it), and your spirit. We really love this crystal grid and we think it could help out a lot of people right now. So, we're giving it away for free!

All you need to do is click the link below to get the free crystal grid. The instructions for assembling can be found below that. You can print this grid out at home on your printer or you can send it off to one of your favorite printers such as Kinkos, Staples, or Office Depot and go pick it up or have it shipped to your home. It should print at 5" x 7".

Assembly Instructions

  • Crystals Needed:

    The Grid

    The grid design is the Vesica Piscis, the portal from the Physical World to the Spiritual. The circle design is a form of protection. When two are placed over each other, such as in the Vesica Piscis, it offers us balance, protection, and harmony both physically and spiritually. This grid acts as a guardian and offers ultimate protection.


    This grid is placed near the entry to your home or wherever you need protection. Keep in near where you sleep for protection against nightmares or attacks. Place the Focus stone first as you envision the protective energy of the Universe flowing in.  Next, place your Way stones. In your mind’s eye, see the powerful protective energy growing in the grid. Place your Desire stones last. Feel the Guardian energy flow through them and to you as the connection is complete.  Visit it often.

    The Focus Stone (F)

    Attracts the Universal Life Force to the grid. Your Focus stone is a Rosasite.  It is a powerful Guardian crystal to bring the energy of safety to your grid and home.

    The Way Stones (W)

    Amplify and modify the flow of energy through the grid. Your way stones are Sodalite. These Enhancer stones will amplify the protective energy in the grid.

    The Desire Stones (D)

    Amplify and transmute the desired energy from the grid to you. Your Desire stones are Jade one of the toughest Guardian crystals known.

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