Tanzanite Rough Stone (Extra Large)-145296

Relieving Stress with Tanzanite

Tanzanite Rough Stone (Extra Large)-0

Tanzanite's Healing Properties

Tanzanite is said to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the blood and improve vitality. It generates an energy of happiness and relief from worries; allowing insight into emotional issues without the need to dwell on them unnecessarily. It inspires one in feeling more compassionate, loving, and centered.


Tanzanite Bath for Relief from Worry

Tanzanite generates an energy of happiness and relief from worries, making a bath the perfect place to help relax you while using this stone. This bath helps relieve the unnecessary feeling to dwell on past emotional issues, resolved or not.

  • 4 tablespoons dried Valerian
  • 3 tablespoons Chamomile
  • 2 tablespoons dried passionflower
  • 1 tablespoon dried Calamus Root
  • 1 (or more) Tanzanite stone(s)
  • 1 candle


  1. Put the candle on the edge of the bathtub or nearby and light it.
  2. Combine the ingredients except for the crystals and place them into a muslin bag. Tie the container onto the nozzle of the tub.
  3. Turn the tap on hot and let it pour through the herbal bath bag, turning the tub water into a strong herbal infusion.
  4. Place the Tanzanite stone on the edge of the bathtub so it can radiate its energies around you.
  5. Run enough cold water into the tub to bring the water to the desired temperature.
  6. Sit in the bath for at least 20 minutes to absorb all energies.
Tanzanite Rough Stone (Large)-145289
Tanzanite Rough Stone (Large)-0
Tanzanite Rough Stone (Extra Large)-145295

Tanzanite Sachet for Body Detoxification

As we go throughout the day we encounter airborne bacteria, negativity, and maybe even communication issues. When our body is clean, we are healthy, and normally, we feel great and are able to accomplish many things.

There are many ways to detox your body, such as medicines, drink additives that work on subtle or even severe levels, or even exercise you can use the following sachet to aid such medicines or techniques so their effects may take place sooner and more effectively, it can also be used by itself. If you are prescribed medicine or exercise from a doctor, do not use this as a replacement, but as an enhancer for even greater effects.

  • 2-3 dried Red Clover blossoms
  • 2-3 dried Dandelion flowers
  • 1 Tanzanite stone
  • Small black velvet bag


  1. Place all ingredients in the black velvet bag.
  2. As you go throughout your day, carry or wear the sachet.
  3. Anytime you feel a little off, take the Tanzanite stone out of your sachet, and hold it against a place close to veins, such as your wrist or neck, for a little bit.
  4. Once you're done, thank the Tanzanite and place it back into the bag.
the crystal vaults team

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