Shop for Crystals by Name

Crystals by Name Rarities Agate Amazonite Amber Amethyst Ammonite Angelite Apache Tears Apatite Aquamarine Aragonite Aventurine Azurite Barite Bismuth Bloodstone Bronzite Buddstone Calcite Carnelian Celestite Chalcedony Chiastolite Chrysocolla Chrysoprase Cinnabrite Citrine Coral Cryolite Desert Rose Dragon’s Blood Dumortierite Eclogite Emerald Epidote Eudialyte Fluorite Garnet Goddess Stone Goldstone Healer’s Gold Hematite Hemimorphite Hessonite Howlite Hummingbird Quartz Indigo Gabbro Iolite Isua Jade Jasper Jet…

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Your Questions Answered

Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

We asked you what questions you had about crystals. We’ve picked out several to address in this email but we will be answering more soon! Do you have a question you want to ask our crystal experts? Click here to send it in. What crystals are best for bringing prosperity into my life? and What…

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Goddess Crystals

Goddess Crystal Meditation and Rituals using Sacred Stones   The minerals of Mother Earth are rich in power and magic. They have a long history of helping us focus our thoughts and prayers. Through their ability to focus and amplify our power of concentration, they have found a valuable place in the practices of meditation…

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Base Chakra

Crystals for the Base Chakra

What is the Base Chakra? The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical energy and spiritual energy for the body. When it is physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of…

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Mansion of the Sacred Flame

mansion of the moon one sacred flame

You’ve reached a page about a Mansion of the Moon! The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the zodiac visited by the moon in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. Each Mansion brings a special energy to the Moon. If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your…

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Mansion of the Hearth

You’ve reached a page about a Mansion of the Moon! The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the Zodiac visited by the moon in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. Each Mansion brings a special energy to the Moon. If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your…

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Crystal Moon Astrology

Crystal Moon Astrology Crystal Moon Astrology is growing in popularity for very good reason.  It offers everyone an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand connection to the Cosmos and its energy.  It provides easy-to-follow guidance for your individual spirit.  And you don’t need complex birth charts, you don’t need to pay astrologers, you don’t need everyone else’s standard horoscope.…

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Premium Mansion of the Hearth Elixir

Premium Mansion of the Hearth Elixir-0
  • Crystal Essences and Elixirs enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use.
  • This is a concentrated mixture.  You can either use 2-3 drops added to water as a tonic, or you can use it in a concentrated form.

    For daily use and to extend the use of the mixture, we suggest you mix this with water as the label indicates to make an etheric body tonic for use in the bath or in area sprays.

    In the concentrated form found in this bottle, a daily dose of 4-6 drops directly from the bottle are applied to one or more meridians or charka points.  The most common application is to place four drops on your finger and gently massage it into one or more chakra locations.  The most common are the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus and the sacral.

    The mixture can be used in aromatherapy by adding about four drops to a locket pad or tabletop diffuser.

    Each use should be accompanied by a clear intention to be aligned with the Universal Intent and to have it aligned with your needs of the day,

    For added potency, affirm a positive statement, while taking or applying any crystal essence or elixir.

  • Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, to rebalance you, and to awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities. Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you!

    As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.

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Pink Garnet Cluster

Rhodolite Garnet on Matrix Cluster-0
Talismans or Amulet
Color Energy
Natural Birthstone
Feng Shui
Other Info
  • Enhancer StrengthenerRhodolite is a Enhancer Strengthener Crystal. Enhancer crystals have internal crystal lattices of perfect cubic symmetry and internal harmony. These are the “building block” crystals. Their internal structure of blocks builds up perfect crystal lattices that can help us focus our efforts to build on our successes and enhance our lives.

    Strengtheners are crystals that are chemically formed in the island silicate class. This class of minerals forms very compact materials that are strong, resistant, and unyielding. Strengthener crystals will provide you with the energy to resist temptations and resist distractions from your goals.

    With its dark scarlet color. Rhodolite combines the energy of the pure red ray and the exuberance and joy of the orange in a precious gift of nature. Scarlet is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual.

  • Rhodolite garnets, being scarlet in color, are one of the natural birthstones of those born in the first month of autumn (September 23–October 21).
  • Rhodolite is a garnet. It is one of the traditional birthstones of those born in January.
  • With its Scarlet Color Ray of Influence, Rhodolite is associated with the First Chakra, the Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiating through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body. When it is out of balance you will feel flighty and physically adrift. This Rhodolite can be used effectively in crystal healing when the Base Chakra is in need of realignment.
  • As a garnet, Rhodolite is associated with Aquarius. Wikipedia tells us Aquarius is considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered an air sign and is one of four fixed signs. Aquarius has been traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn, and, since its discovery, Uranus has been considered a modern ruler of this sign. Being the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is associated with the astrological 11th house. Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Aquarius individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in Aquarius roughly from January 20 to February 18.
  • Rhodolite garnets have fire energy. Like red and scarlet gemstones, it is to be used sparingly. Avoid using it in the East or Southeast areas of your home or room. Use Rhodolite garnets as an accent and as an accessory in rooms where high energy is needed. The south area of a room or home is the best place for an orange Almandine garnet.
  • In the Crystal Bible, Judy Hall reports Rhodolite is a stone of regenerative healing. Melody in Love is in the Earth notes it is a stone of physical strength, and serves as a inspiration during periods of personal solitude. In the Book of Stones, Robert Simmons reports that Rhodolite is a “back to Earth” stone that can help you find ways to implement your dreams in the real world. Click on the picture to the left to learn more about these great books.
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