Crystals for Friendship

Topaz Spell to Seek New Friends

There are times in life when we seem to drift away from good friends. This is difficult, but sometimes we all have separate paths that don’t always lead to the same destination. However, we all come to a point when we want to broaden our social lives. Most of the time this just happens naturally but other times it is hard to meet new people. No matter the circumstances, seeking new friends is easier said than done. It is challenging to find the right people who are good and true.

If you wish to be more social and meet new people, try employing Topaz for assistance. Topaz engenders strength and stability, confidence and commitment, increasing faithfulness in love, and the ability to build lasting friendships. It is an excellent gift for those who distrust life and other people to become more open and welcoming and is a marvelous aid for relieving agoraphobia, excessive timidity, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


1 tablespoon sugar

1 small bowl of Topaz water (recipe can be found below) or use 6 drops of Premium Silver Topaz Essence in distilled water in small bowl

1 white tea light in a jar or any jar candle (we recommend the Sacred Space Candle)

Matches or a lighter


1. On the night of a waning moon, bring your ingredients to a sacred space within your home. Sit comfortably near a flat surface where you can place your supplies and away from anything flammable. Then place the sugar within the bowl of Topaz water.

2. Light the tea light and say:

I manifest the energy from within
for new opportunities to begin.

3. Place your hand over the sugar Topaz water and say:

Travel in all directions
in order to create new connections.
Through the universe and the earth
I summon new friends to come forth.

4. Go outside and pour the water in all cardinal directions: North, East, South, and West.

Creating the Topaz Water

You can easily make your own Topaz water by using our Premium Silver Topaz Essence. However, if you would like to make your own, you can follow these directions.

Take 6, small Topaz tumbled stones. We recommend this Blue Topaz Tumbled Set. You can also use one medium to large piece as well. Place spring water into a medium-sized baking dish. Place the Topaz into a separate clean, clear natural glass container – a glass measuring cup or water glass works well.

Place the glass containing the crystal into the spring water. Cover. Let stand covered for at least 30 minutes (If placed under sunlight or moonlight for a few hours it will be more potent). Remove the glass containing the crystal from the spring water. Place the container of water into your refrigerator to keep the water cool. Once cooled, the elixir will be ready for use. When you wish to use it, add 6-10 drops of the elixir to any beverage. Use it 3-5 times per day. If kept in the refrigerator and covered, it will be good for several weeks.

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