Mind, Body, and Soul Soother Crystal Bracelet


Description: Mind, Body, and Soul Soother Crystal Bracelet. This bracelet contains Amazonite, Clear Quartz, and Lepidolite 6mm beads on an elastic string. You will receive the typical item shown.

Size: Bracelet is about 2.4 inches in diameter. Weight is approximately 12 grams.

Primary Uses: Relaxation is something all of us, every single one of us, could use a bit more of. In today’s world, everything is so fast-paced. We are always on the go, and now, thanks to technology, always reachable. It is said now that people work longer hours than they used to simply because they can still get work-related calls and emails wherever they are. Where is it if you close your eyes and think of a relaxing place? Do it now; I’ll wait. So where was it? Did you know while you may not have the time to go to that place right now, you can go there every day? All you need are healing crystals for relaxation and a few moments of meditation. These crystals will clear your mind of clutter, defuse your stress, and help you achieve a deeply relaxing, meditative state.

If you need something to soothe your mind, body, and soul, this is the crystal jewelry you need. You will feel at home within your skin. Your mind will be at ease and the chatter quiets down. Your soul will feel unbound like you have the ability to soar. Allow your mind, body, and soul to be in balance and harmony. You will finally feel at home with this crystal bracelet.

Amazonite: Amazonite is a stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life. It can serve as a real barrier against the undesirable elements of your life that are affecting your spirit and joy.

Quartz: Quartz crystals amplify and focus your energy and power. They are used to connect you to the Universal Life Force. Use this crystal to awaken your spirit, keep yourself in balance with nature, honor the Goddess, and focus your energy on your gifts.

Lepidolite: Lepidolite contains radiant lavender and lilac tones, a beautiful delicate nature, and an extraordinary capacity to facilitate your feelings and cause you to feel at one with your spirit.

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Quick Healing Overview: ​Amazonite is a wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes trauma and calms the mind, alleviates worry and fear, and directs anger and irritability into more positive action. It regulates the aggressive aspects of one’s personality and urges the mind to seek emotional balance. Amazonite assists in communicating your true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism.

Birthstone & Zodiac Uses: Amazonite is the natural birthstones of those born as spring begins (March 20 to April 19). Though there is no zodiac stone assigned to Amazonite, those born under the signs of Aries and Leo have a natural affinity for this crystal. It may also be used to treat depression in Scorpios.

Uses in Meditation: Meditating with Amazonite brings a keen awareness of everything to the consciousness. It inspires one to listen to and integrate all aspects of the self.

For Chakra Balancing: Amazonite is associated with the Heart Chakra. It is used in emotional healing when someone needs to recover from emotional trauma, become more aware of the needs of your heart, and in efforts to improve your ability to express love.

Crystal Color Energy: Amazonite is turquoise. Turquoise crystals help temper excesses, restore calm after a storm, relieve stress, neutralize extremes, and provide a counter to tendencies to fly off in a single direction. They help you overcome conflict and deal with rage. Amazonite helps moderate aggressiveness and helps you deal with cruelty. This is a stone of protection – it is used to keep harm away.

Associated Goddesses: Amazonite can be used in honoring Estsanatlehi, the Navajo Fertility Goddess, and Wohpe, the Lakota Sioux Goddess.

Feng Shui Uses: Amazonite has Water Energy. Water energy is the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. Water energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a home or room. It is associated with the Career and Life Path area. Its flowing energy will assure a balance of energy as your life unfolds and flows.

Uses in Divination: Dreaming of Amazonite is said to bring peace and calmness to the day. It may also be used in divination to express your heart’s true desire.

Talisman Energy: Amazonite is a powerful Barrier Filter. This is a stone of protection. It can help you focus and amplify your efforts to keep undesirable elements out of your lives. Amazonite will keep negative energy away from you. It is one of the most protective stones you can own. Barrier crystals have incredible abilities to help us focus and amplify our efforts to keep undesirable elements out of our lives. Filter crystals absorb certain things and allow others to pass. They filter energy, allowing positive charges to flow and blocking negative ones when properly used and aligned.

What Other Crystal Authors Think: Melody reports Amazonite is a stone of purification and one used to rejuvenate the heart after losing love. It is a soothing stone, and one that helps maintain one’s equilibrium and centering in the hectic world.

Robert Simmons in The Book of Stones observes that Amazonite is a stone of harmony, and helpful for those that want to gain true self-understanding. It is a stone of truth. Naisha notes it is deeply stimulating to the heart and can be used to clear the throat chakra also. She notes it is a good stone to use to overcome the fear of conflict.