Daily Crystal Horoscope-0

Why Crystal Lovers need the Moon

What is this about...these Mansions of the Moon?


Having been asked this a number of times…..

Because, according to most ancient astrology and magic books such as the Picatrix, the position of the Moon tells us the most auspicious time to make magical talismans, amulets, magic potions and when our crystals will have the most potency and power.

 The travels of the Moon in the Zodiac through the Mansions of the Moon also tells us when it is advantageous to undergo certain activities, and when certain crystals have the most energy.

So understanding the 28 Mansions of the Moon and knowing which Mansion the Moon is current visiting tells us how best to use our crystals and magic.  

Now a note. The descriptions of the Mansions in earlier texts use the ancient Arabic names and offer the advice that was aimed at the princes of ancient India. So you will find information such as a particular mansion is named something like “Al-Thuraiya” and  the ancient translations offer advice such as “When the moon is in this Mansion, kings may begin to war and to lay sieges and pursue enemies and malefactors.” You can use such information if it works better for you. However, there is a much better way.

This illustration is part of  the Crystal Daily Horoscope Kit sold here at the Crystal Vaults.  It allow you to easily track the Moon’s travels through the zodiac and always know what crystal use is auspicious based on the current position of the Moon.

As each generation adapts the wisdom of the ancients, that wisdom is applied to the times.  Nowadays, the Mansions have been updated in name to reflect the elemental energy (fire, water, air, and earth ) of the section of the Zodiac in which they reside. This approach offers you a much clearer understanding of the energy you can expect from the Moon each day.

As each generation adapts the wisdom of the ancients, that wisdom is applied to the times.  Nowadays, the Mansions have been updated in name to reflect the elemental energy (fire, water, air, and earth ) of the section of the Zodiac in which they reside. This approach offers you a much clearer understanding of the energy you can expect from the Moon each day.

For example when the Moon is in the first few Mansions which are part of the area of the sky we know as Aries, the Mansions have the fire energy of Aries and have such names as the Mansion of the Sacred Flame and the Mansion of the Hearth.

And another example, when the Moon is in mansions that are part of the Zodiac we call Libra the Air energy of that part of the sky is reflected in the mansion’s names and energy such as the Mansion of Clouds and the Mansion of Wings. Astrology, like all science, must keep up with the times in order to stay relevant and useful to eachgeneration.

  If we stay true to the basic elements that rule the Zodiac and interpret the Moon’s travel accordingly we find using the Mansions of the Moon to time our crystal use makes those crystals much more powerful and effective.

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Hank Mason, Founder

the crystal vaults team

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