Premium Mansion of the Sacred Flames Elixir

Premium Mansion of the Sacred Flames Elixir-0
  • Crystal Essences and Elixirs enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use.

  • This is a concentrated mixture.  You can either use 2-3 drops added to water as a tonic, or you can use it in a concentrated form.

    For daily use and to extend the use of the mixture, we suggest you mix this with water as the label indicates to make an etheric body tonic for use in the bath or in area sprays.

    In the concentrated form found in this bottle, a daily dose of 4-6 drops directly from the bottle are applied to one or more meridians or charka points.  The most common application is to place four drops on your finger and gently massage it into one or more chakra locations.  The most common are the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus and the sacral.

    The mixture can be used in aromatherapy by adding about four drops to a locket pad or tabletop diffuser.

    Each use should be accompanied by a clear intention to be aligned with the Universal Intent and to have it aligned with your needs of the day,

    For added potency, affirm a positive statement, while taking or applying any crystal essence or elixir.

  • Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, to rebalance you, and to awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities. Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you!

    As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.

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Selenite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

Selenite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses Welcome to the Crystal Encyclopedia page for Selenite. Here you will learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this crystal including healing properties, metaphysical properties, using Selenite in meditation, Feng Shui, spiritual work, and much more! Quick Overview of Selenite Pronunciation Selenite sel′ə nīt′, si lē′nīt)  Color…

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Sagittarius Crystal Elixir

Crystal Essences and Elixirs enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use.

This is a concentrated mixture.  You can either use 2-3 drops added to about a cup of water as a body tonic, or you can use it in a concentrated form. For daily use and to extend the use of the mixture, we suggest you mix this with water as the label indicates to make an etheric body tonic for use in the bath or in area sprays.

In the concentrated form found in this bottle, a daily dose of 4-6 drops directly from the bottle are applied to one or more meridians or charka points.  The most common application is to place four drops on your finger and gently massage it into one or more chakra locations.  The most common are the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, and the sacral.

The mixture can be used in aromatherapy by adding about four drops to a locket pad or tabletop diffuser.

Each use should be accompanied by a clear intention to be aligned with the Universal Intent and to have it aligned with your needs of the day,

For added potency, affirm a positive statement, while taking or applying any crystal essence or elixir.

Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, rebalance you, and awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities. Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you!

As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.

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Scorpio Crystal Elixir

Crystal Essences and Elixirs enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use.

This is a concentrated mixture.  You can either use 2-3 drops added to about a cup of water as a body tonic, or you can use it in a concentrated form. For daily use and to extend the use of the mixture, we suggest you mix this with water as the label indicates to make an etheric body tonic for use in the bath or in area sprays.

In the concentrated form found in this bottle, a daily dose of 4-6 drops directly from the bottle are applied to one or more meridians or charka points.  The most common application is to place four drops on your finger and gently massage it into one or more chakra locations.  The most common are the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, and the sacral.

The mixture can be used in aromatherapy by adding about four drops to a locket pad or tabletop diffuser.

Each use should be accompanied by a clear intention to be aligned with the Universal Intent and to have it aligned with your needs of the day,

For added potency, affirm a positive statement, while taking or applying any crystal essence or elixir.

Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, rebalance you, and awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities. Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you!

As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.

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Premium Third Eye Chakra Balance Elixir

  • Crystal Essences and Elixirs enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use.
  • This is a concentrated mixture.  You can either use 2-3 drops added to about a cup of water as a body tonic, or you can use it in a concentrated form.For daily use and to extend the use of the mixture, we suggest you mix this with water as the label indicates to make an etheric body tonic for use in the bath or in area sprays.

    In the concentrated form found in this bottle, a daily dose of 4-6 drops directly from the bottle are applied to one or more meridians or charka points.  The most common application is to place four drops on your finger and gently massage it into one or more chakra locations.  The most common are the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus and the sacral.

    The mixture can be used in aromatherapy by adding about four drops to a locket pad or tabletop diffuser.

    Each use should be accompanied by a clear intention to be aligned with the Universal Intent and to have it aligned with your needs of the day,

    For added potency, affirm a positive statement, while taking or applying any crystal essence or elixir.

  • Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, to rebalance you, and to awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities. Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you!As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.
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Sagittarius Zodiac Crystal Kit

More Information About Crystals for Sagittarius

Citrine. It is a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success, and all things good. It also encourages generosity and sharing good fortune. Carrying a Citrine attracts love and happiness and guards against those who would break your heart. It is also an effective shield against spite and jealousy. Citrine is an excellent crystal for interpersonal relationships. It smooths family or group problems and promotes solutions and cohesiveness.

Amethyst. Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed back to the center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches and is a great crystal to calm those who are hot-headed and easily angered. Called the “All-healer,” Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants, and animals.

Labradorite. Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing in new ideas. It is a wonderful tool for returning joy and spontaneity back to one’s life. It helps eliminate the emotional drain of daily routine or being weighed down by responsibility and awakens a sense of adventure and change.

Obsidian. Obsidian is a stone of truth. It awakens your inner warrior. You will rediscover your hidden abilities and courage with this stone. It will also provide insight and assistance when it comes to making mistakes.

Sodalite. Sodalite is a stone of the intellect. It enhances the clarity of thought, concentration, and focus. It enhances understanding of difficult concepts. Sodalite is a stone of fellowship, solidarity, and commonality of purpose.

Clear Quartz. Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Resonating at the level of an individual’s needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one’s prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur.

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EarthSong Crystal Tea

View our entire EarthSong Crystal Tea collection   EarthSong Crystal Infused tea is made here at the Crystal Vaults using a proprietary method of pyramid power to focus and imprint the crystals’ energy patterns into the auric and biophysical energy matrix of the tea leaves. The energy patterns of the crystal are the results of…

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Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

Crystals For The Sacral Chakra   The sacral chakra can be located below the navel and above the pubic bone on the front of your pelvis. The sacral chakra is considered the life force of the body. It controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the…

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Crystals for Pisces

  Crystals For Pisces     If you were born from February 19th to March 20th, you are a Pisces. When winter slowly makes way for budding spring, this time represents the Zodiac sign Pisces. The symbol is two fish swimming in the opposite directions of each other. This symbol illustrate the problem of dealing…

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