The Native American Spirit Keepers, Shawnodese in the South, Wabun in the East, Mudjekeewis in the West, and Kabibonokka in the North each guard the spirit of a season. These are both the seasons of the year, and the seasons of your life.

Location of Wabun on The Medicine Wheel
Wabun guards the spirit of the spring season. He watches over those born under its moons:
Budding Trees Moon (March 21 to April 19)
Frogs Return Moon (April 20 to May 20)
Corn Planting Moon (May 21to June 20)
He is the Spirit Keeper of the Dawn and the dawning of life.
His mineral is Catlinite, also called Pipestone, a reddish-brown mudstone found in Sioux quartzite. It is soft and easily carved and is the traditional sacred stone used by Native American tribes for carving prayer and ceremonial pipes. The most extraordinary Pipestone is found in Minnesota, though a large range exists, and numerous tribes have utilized a variety of materials and Catlinites for pipe making.
Wabun's colors are those of spring - the dark blues of winter giving way to the greens of sprouting plants. The lighter blues, turquoise, and light greens bring his energy to life.[1]
Wabun's spirit totem is the Golden Eagle with the ability to fly high, soaring to the Creator. Like the Eagle, people who are experiencing Wabun also have the ability to soar and to see from a broad perspective. When you need to really soar, call on Wabun and the Golden Eagle.
Sun Bear says it best: “Wabun brings the eternal promise of spring, the eternal promise of dawn. Wabun helps us to know that each moment can be a new beginning. The gifts of Wabun are the gifts of spontaneity, playfulness, wonder, inquisitiveness, and truth saying. Wabun brings the abilities to explore, to feel high energy, to be full of curiosity, to question everything, and to have the determination to see what is around the corner."”[2]
Spirit Keeper of the East, where the sun is reborn each day, Wabun’s energy blossoms in the meadow fields at dawn during spring, the human period of infancy and birth. He guards the spirit of new life and new beginnings. He is the spirit keeper of the dawn, spring, and people from the time of birth through about age 16.
Stories of Wabun are stories of rebirth and renewal amid the constancy of the heavens and universe. He teaches us that some things are constant, and some are ever changing; that there is constancy and renewal in life. Perhaps a story will help with understanding Wabun.
The story starts with lonely Wabun painting the morning skies with pink and orange streaks and waking both the hunters and the forest animals. One morning there was a change in scenery; near a river on earth was a gorgeous maiden with bright blue eyes gathering bulrushes.
With just one glance Wabun fell hard for her. He grew to loving her more each day, so he led her towards him in the sky and changed her into a twinkling star known as the morning star so her beauty would last forever.
Wabun brings energy and spirit to new beginnings and renewal. He aids in exploration to brighten the mind and gain knowledge, because Wabun teaches us there are always new discoveries to be made...from the mundane to the spiritual.
Wabun’s spirit will encourage you to protect your physical health, and listen to your body and acknowledge its needs. People tend to ignore hunger and the body's need for sleep.
We find the crystals of light blue, turquoise and green are especially useful. However, some find the reds and golds work best. Experiment and determine for yourself how to bring the lively Spirit of Wabun to your life.
Once you find the right color stones, wear them as pendants and rings. Put them in your medicine bag. Focus on them as you meditate on your Medicine Wheel each day.
To contact Wabun, please read our guide to contacting the spirit keepers. It gives you specifics and is very helpful.
[1] In the original manuscript, Sun Bear gives the colors of gold and red to Wabun. We see from the Wheel of Life that the time is that of the blues and greens of the spring of life and the spring of the year. We offer that you can approach this from either Sun Bear’s vision, or the Wheel of Life. Our experience shows that the reds and dark golds are the colors of autumn, but you decide.