Crystals for Friendship

Crystals For Friendship

Crystals for Friendship


Building Friendships

Friendship is one of the many blessings in life. Friends can bring you up when you are down, be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen, and they can also share your interests and make you laugh and enjoy new experiences. However, making friends isn’t easy for everyone. Sometimes we are just too shy, timid, or don’t carry a lot of self-confidence. Other times, we may have friendships that are starting to become trouble for one reason or another. Or perhaps you would like help reconnecting with an old friend. For any of these aforementioned situations, a crystal can aid you along in your relationships.

When looking to build new friendships or strengthen existing ones, orange crystals can help. Orange is the color of joy and friendship. It is also a happy, outgoing, and sharing color. It brings things and people together. It integrates the parts of our communal lives. It is the home stone, the “village stone, and the community stone.

Use Light Orange Crystals

Orange Crystals

Orange Symbol

Orange Colored Crystals Bring You Joy, Friendship, Pleasure, and Family Togetherness

If you are trying to improve on the friendships in your life we recommend a light orange crystal. In lighter shades, orange is the color ray of friendship. Use crystals of muted orange to find new friends, keep in touch with lifetime friends, and find ways to keep friendships alive. Light orange is the color ray of companionship, loyalty, charm, encouragement, praise, sharing, and affection.

We recommend trying Sonoran Desert Agate. Some of the uses of the orange Sonoran agates include focusing our energy to overcome distrust, timidity, or shyness. These antisocial behaviors make friendships suffer. Use an orange agate when you want to focus your energy on developing outgoing, caring, and friendly behaviors.

Another crystal that can even be used in combination with the Sonoran Desert Agate is Carnelian. The wearing of Carnelian is recommended by the Lapidario of Alfonso X published in 1881 for those who have a weak voice or are timid in speech. A famous imam, Jafar, taught that this stone would bring satisfaction to the desires of any who wore it. Modern writers find that Carnelian has the power to build confidence and increase our zest for life. It builds courage and strength of purpose.

Sonoran Desert Agate

Sonoran Desert Agate

When they possess the Earth Power of the Transformer, Seekers such as orange Sonoran Agates have the power to aid us to find new relationships that will transform some part of our life. In particular, these orange Sonoran agates are the best talismans for finding new friends in life.



Carnelian brings us orange, the color of joy and friendship. Joy is a pure emotion, an elusive one, but a heartfelt one. If something seems to be missing but you can’t really describe it, perhaps a bit of orange mixed in your daily life is needed.

What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Robert Simmons suggests Strontianite which is a stone of stength and confidence. It clears and opens the third chakra, allowing for the full expression of one’s personal power.

Strontianite helps to eliminate doubt and hesitations, encouraging one to leap into an experience and enjoy it. It enhances the senses, making it possible for one to discharge feelings of numbness and isolation. It also enhances one’s receptivity to and enjoyment of others. It opens one’s eyes to the common humanity we all share and encourages friendship.




Judy Hall recommends Barite which facilitates communicating intuitive vision. Also useful for cleansing and rebalancing the entrie chakra system.

Barite supports loyalty to an appropriate person or ideal. The stone overcomes shyness and assists with interpersonal communication and mental focus. It is beneficial for platonic friendships and encourages intimacy and insight into relationships of all kinds.



Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Michael Gienger advocates Lapis Lazuli which is a valuable talisman for gaining respect, keeping negative energy away, and for helping us to remember to be humble in our dealings with others.

Lapis Lazuli is considered the stone of friendship. It encourages selfawareness, dignity, honesty and uprightness. It makes us enjoy contact with others and helps us convey feelings and emotions, quite vehemently, if necessary.

In Summary

Friendships offer us companionship throughout life that is not quite like anything else. They can fulfill deep needs of pleasure, happiness, and connection. Whether you are wanting to bring new friends into your life, rekindle past friendships, or strengthen your existing friendships, a crystal can assist you in your journey. We suggest you seek the power of light orange crystals such as Sonoran Desert Agate or Carnelian. You can also try crystals that other authors have recommended such as Strontianite, Barite, or Lapis Luzuli.


Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger; Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)


Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening and Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals and Gems
Stones of the New Consciousness
Simmons, Robert

(Berkely, CA:
(North Atlantic Books 2009)

The Encyclopedia of Crystals

The Encyclopedia of Crystals
The Encyclopedia of Crystals
Hall, Judy

(Beverly, MA:
Fair Winds Press 2007)

Crystal Vault


  1. […] Lapis Lazuli crystal is known as the stone of […]

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