Crystal Reference Guide

Crystal Reference Guide

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The Crystal Reference Guide is an index of crystal guides meant to aid you in finding crystals to ease your worries, problems, and bring more harmony to your life. In this guide you will find such topics as dealing with abandonment, depression, anxiety, and self-acceptance.

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Crystal Reference Guide

Crystal Reference Guide

Crystals for Abandonment
Crystals for Abandonment
Have you experienced a loss? Feelings of abandonment are a normal part of life but you can use crutches to help you get through it. Dark orange crystals such as Carnelian and Spessartine can bring you feelings of joy and a sense of belonging and home.

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Carnelian Crystal
Crystals for Dealing with Abuse
Crystals for Dealing with Abuse
Physical, mental, emotional abuse or abuse of any kind should never happen to anyone. If you have been the victim of abuse then you understand the lasting psychological effects it can leave behind. However, this is not a fight you have to fight alone. There are many resources and support networks that you can utilize, including adding healing crystals to your life. We highly recommend both Ruby crystals to aid you in the process of dealing with past abuse.

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Crystals for Preventing Accidents
Crystals for Preventing Accidents
We all have stress in our lives. We worry about the future, the unknown. While accidents are not an event we can predict, we can protect against them with the defending shield of crystals. They can ward off negative energy and help to keep you safe from harm. For accident prevention we suggest green colored crystals such as Malachite and Green Jasper.

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Crystals for Achievement
Crystals for Achievement
When we are looking to complete specific goals or accomplish certain achievements, we should rely on the powerful magic of gold crystals to assist us. Specifically, dark golden crystals such Tiger's Eye are powerful Transformer crystals that can help us transform our life to a more desired state.

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Golden Aura Quartz
Crystals for Adaptation
Crystals for Adaptation
Life can move quickly and change as regularly as the tide. We cannot always prepare for these changes such as a change in job, a move to a new home, or an end of a relationship. Sometimes when we have prepared, we are still not ready for them. What we need to learn is adaptation or how to become adjusted to new conditions. We suggest using dark turquoise crystals such as Amazonite and Chrysocolla.

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Crystals for Adventure
Crystals for Adventure
Sometimes our lives can seem quite dull. We get too used to the daily grind and our mind and souls need to get away for a while. Whether you can physically leave or not, gold crystals can still help. They bring back a sense of excitement and adventure in your life. They also make adventures even more exciting and fulfilling. We suggest such gold crystals as Tiger's Eye to aid in your feelings of adventure. Keep them on your during your day to day life as well as take them with you on vacation.

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Golden Healer
Crystals for Ambition
Crystals for Ambition
Drive, motivation, outgoing… call it whatever you would like but ambition is at the root core of all of those attributes. Ambition can motivate us to increase our drive, confidence, and therefore, happiness. Gold colored crystals are the best for increasing or regaining ambition. It's positive and optimistic golden rays bring not only optimism, but success and wealth!

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Crystals for Anxiety
Crystals for Anxiety
Anxiety can be caused by many different factors but they all equal and scary and uncomfortable emotion to experience. You don't have to go at it alone though. For anxiety we recommend turquoise crystals to provide inner peace and push the negativity away.

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Chrysocolla Crystal
Crystals for Apathy
Crystals for Apathy
When apathy has clouded your normally active mind and slowly seeped around the joy you used to find in life, let the energy and joy of deep scarlet red crystals pull you back to the other side. You can make it through and find the happiness and vitality you once used to possess.

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Red Jasper
Crystals for Appreciation
Crystals for Appreciation
When you find a lack of appreciation in your life, life itself can start to seem unfulfilling. Appreciation of various things is necessary to keep harmony in our life. Whether we feel under appreciated or others feel we under appreciate them, we feel that crystals from the indigo hue can help bring your love of others and life back. Without appreciation of things fundamental in our life, we can feel tired, run down, or restless.

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Crystals for Aquarius
Crystals for Aquarius
As one born under the sun sign of Aquarius, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. While Aquarians are happy to bestow these ideas as a gift with no strings attached, they are much happier when the rest of the world agrees with them. Naysayers will quickly find out that Aquarians can be impatient, even temperamental, with those who disagree.

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Crystals for Aries
Crystals for Aries
As one born under the sun sign of Aries, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The symbol of Aries is the Ram, and that's both good and bad news. Impulsive Aries might be tempted to ram their ideas down everyone's throats without even bothering to ask if they want to know. It's these times when you may wish Aries' symbol were a more subdued creature, more lamb than ram perhaps. You're not likely to convince the Ram to soften up; these folks are blunt and to the point.

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Crystals for Artistic Inspiration
Crystals for Artistic Inspiration
I truly believe that creativity is inside of every single person. Everyone can be an artist in their own way, with their own medium, and may not even know it. For whatever your artistic endeavors are, we all at some point need a little inspiration. When looking to gain some artistic inspiration, we suggest using amethyst colored crystals.

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Crystals for Astral Travel
Crystals for Astral Travel
Astral travel is an amazing and undefinable experience once you are able to achieve it. Many people practice years before they are able to finally astral project. Crystals can not only aid you in your ability to astral project, but they can also project you in the astral plane and help you connect with loved ones that have passed.

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Crystals for Attraction
Crystals for Attraction
When looking to attract something or someone into our lives or make ourselves more attractive, crystals can help. Specifically, scarlet colored crystals, which are known as the crystals of victory, success, and skill, can be particularly useful. While you can find specific crystals if you are looking to attract wealth or luck, scarlet crystals make a good catch all when trying to attract something, especially if that something is someone. As stated previously, they are also one of the few color rays that will attract others to you.

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Crystals for Awakening
Crystals for Awakening
When seeking some sort of awakening in our life, whether it be spiritual, mental, emotional, or many others, an olive crystal is the best source to aid you in your journey. Invoking an awakening to something we feel that we have lost or need to revitalize can be frightening and intimidating.

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Crystals for Baby
Crystals for Baby
When a new addition arrives into your life and family, you want to nurture him or her, make them feel loved, sheltered, and happy. You want to help them grow into successful and happy adults. Did you know that can use powerful healing crystals to aid them in their infancy and childhood? Beautiful, nurturing, green colored crystals are known as growth crystals. Green crystals bring you growth, fertility, nurturing, development, progress, youth, and good health.

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Crystals for Curing Bad Habits
Crystals for Curing Bad Habits
There is an old saying that says, "Old habits die hard." This is because no matter how hard we try, sometimes our bad habits can keep sneaking back up on us when we least expect it. Whether you are trying to quit smoking, stop biting your nails, or grinding your teeth, we believe crystals can help. You can look within yourself to find the root cause and resolve it. The stones also act as a reminder to stay on course.

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Crystals for Balance
Crystals for Balance
Balance can factor into our lives in many ways and can exist in many forms. Perhaps you need to better balance your life, work and family. Or you may need to find more of an inner balance and restore harmony to your body and spirit.

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Crystals for the Base Chakra
Crystals for the Base Chakra
The base chakra, or the first chakra, is the foundation of the body and spirit. Because of this reason it is very important to keep in balance. When this chakra is out of balance or blocked you may feel lethargic, unmotivated, and lack enthusiasm. This is why it is so important to get it in balance! When the base chakra is working properly you will feel full of life, energy, and hope. Meditating with red colored crystals in between the legs while sitting down can help put the base chakra back into balance. Click to learn more and find crystals

Red Jasper
Crystals for Beauty
Crystals for Beauty
Beauty can be found in everything around us if we can just stop and take a moment to look. Even when we look in the mirror, we should see the beauty radiating inside of is. If you are having trouble seeing the beauty in the world or even within yourself, we suggest using dark scarlet colored crystals which bring you beauty, energy, and cures of laziness, self-pity, and apathy.

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Mookaite Jasper
Crystals for Belief
Crystals for Belief
When we lose belief in our life, it can make bad situations even worse. We have to have belief in something in order to be able to heal and have faith when things get hard. Even if your belief hasn't been lost you can help maintain it or even strengthen it with the powerful blue rays found in blue colored crystals. Click to learn more and find crystals

Crystals for Belonging
Crystals for Belonging
Belonging gives us the feeling that we fit in a specific place or environment. We feel as if we belong. This is important to all of us both mentally and emotionally. We all want to feel as if we belong in our homes, in our circle of friends, or in our community.

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Crystals for Bravery
Crystals for Bravery
Bravery is necessary in many aspects of our life. Whether we are looking to ask for a raise, stand up for ourselves against adversity, or even ask out a special someone, bravery can be a component that we all can use. When seeking out adding bravery to your behavior or to your character, you will find the use of scarlet colored crystals to be invaluable.

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Amethyst Crystal
Crystals for a Broken Heart
Crystals for a Broken Heart
How does one heal a broken heart? It is a question that has been asked for hundreds of years. Everyone experiences a broken heart at one time or another. It is a painful emotion that tears us down, breaks us in two, and sometimes gives us the sensation that our heart is actually breaking. In times like these, we recommend pink crystals.

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Crystals for Calmness
Crystals for Calmness
When things flare up in life or obstacles suddenly block our path, things can get hectic. You may also have a lot of stress or pressure in your life that is causing racing thoughts or lingering anxiety. In any of these cases the calming and tranquil powers of beautiful turquoise colored crystals can help. When looking to bring calmness to your life and spirit, we suggest turquoise colored crystals.

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Crystals for the sign of Cancer
Crystals for (the sign of) Cancer
As one born under the sun sign of Cancer, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. These folks don't ask for much, either: a comfortable home and sense of peace about sums it up. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way.

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Crystals for Centering
Crystals for Centering
When life becomes stressful, we often feel like we are out of balance, out of control, or simply slipping away from ourselves. It can be brought on by long term stress such as with a difficult job or short term stress such as giving a speech in front of your peers. In both instances centering one's self is a useful and viable technique in bringing calm back into the storm raging inside. Brown crystals can help you center yourself and rise above any inner turmoil.

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Aragonite Crystal
Crystals for Change
Crystals for Change
Change in life is inevitable and sometimes while it may be exciting, it can carry its own sets of fears and worries. We have found that olive colored crystals  can be very helpful in seeking wisdom, enlightenment, and clarity in times of change.

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Prehnite Crystal
Crystals for Charm
Crystals for Charm
While charm seems to come naturally to some people, many of us have to work toward it. We may be awkward, lack confidence, or feel inferior. Orange crystals in light shades can help you break these feelings and start fostering joy, optimism, confidence, and most importantly, charm.

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Crystals for Clarity
Crystals for Clarity
While life can get hazy and sometimes the right path is not always apparent, we can use the healing power of crystals to help light the way. Clarity in our life and in situations is an invaluable tool. If you are looking to find some clarity, we suggest using dark yellow crystals.

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Yellow Jasper
Crystals for Commitment
Crystals for Commitment
Commitment is not always easy to obtain nor is it always easy to achieve. We may be looking to receive commitment from someone in our life or attempting to increase our commitment to activities such as our health, our career, or our goals. When looking to increase the feelings of commitment we suggest using pink crystals.

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Rhodochrosite Crystal
Crystals for Communication
Crystals for Communication
It is natural for people to want to communicate with each other, whether they are both comfortable with it is another question. There are some people that seem to communicate effortlessly, they are witty, charismatic, and always have something to say. On the other hand, we have others who might have things to say but can't quite get them out right or even further ones that might know what to say at all. We suggest light yellow crystals.

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Crystals for Compassion
Crystals for Compassion
Sometimes the harshness of life can run down our compassion for others. We start to become unaware of our self-involvement and our lessened sensitivity to others. The opposite can also affect us, when others are not giving us the compassion and understanding we need to get through tough situations. In times like these we can use the healing hues of dark blue crystals. We suggest using dark blue colored crystals.

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Citrine Crystal
Crystals for Confidence
Crystals for Confidence
It is hard to get through life without confidence in yourself. A lack of confidence can affect your career, friendships, self-worth, and love life. However, you can get a natural boost in confidence with the aid of gold crystals.

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Citrine Crystal
Crystals for Control
Crystals for Control
Control can be a very important part of our lives. We may live with the desire to be controlling or maybe you have been controlled in the past and it has dwindled down our own ability to be more controlling. Whichever the case may be for you, we feel dark gold crystal can aid you in your quest for bringing your control to a better balance.

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Crystals for Courage
Crystals for Courage
Could you use a little more courage in your life? Red Crystals can help you find courage, energy, strength, and love.

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Red Amethyst
Crystals for Dealing with Cravings
Crystals for Dealing with Cravings
When cravings start to affect your life, you need to find tools to not only deal with them but beat them. Cravings generally stem from addiction. This could be an addiction to cigarettes, food, drugs, alcohol, or more. When you try to quit anything addicting, cravings are usually to follow. The success of your quitting can greatly depend on how well you deal with the cravings. We suggest using orange crystals.

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Carnelian Crystal
Crystals for Creativity
Crystals for Creativity
If you would like to draw out some creativity from your life, or get rid of whatever may be blocking your normal creative flow, then amethyst colored crystals are what you need.

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Amethyst Crystal
Crystals for the Crown Chakra
Crystals for the Crown Chakra
When our crown chakra is out of balance it can cause us to become clumsy, uncoordinated, and out of sorts with life. When in balance our crown chakra provides a sense of harmony and balance to our lives. We are sure of ourselves and confident in the way we approach things. If you believe your crown chakra is blocked or out of balance we suggest meditating with a violet colored crystal over your forehead.

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Eudialyte Crystal

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Crystals for Depression
Crystals for Depression
Have you been feeling depressed? While it may seem dark right now the joyful orange colored crystals can help.

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Spessartine Crystal
Crystals for Discipline
Crystals for Discipline
Discipline is needed throughout our lives for many things. We especially need it for ourselves. However, we will often find that we may need discipline in other areas of our life, with other people, in our relationships, and with our children. In times like these crystals can be an invaluable aid. They can be put in children's rooms, carried, or put in central rooms like the living room. Light olive colored crystals as especially useful with discipline. We suggest using light olive colored crystals.

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Crystals for Dealing with Doubt
Crystals for Dealing with Doubt
Facing doubt from the outside word is hard enough, but when we have to start facing self-doubt, times can turn dark and the future may seem bleak. You don't have to ever live this way! If you are suffering from doubt about things or people around you or you are dealing with self-doubt, ease your problems with the help of turquoise colored crystals.

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Crystals for Direction in Life
Crystals for Direction in Life
Sometimes the paths in our lives can become dark or inaccessible. When this is the case we need to find a new direction in our life or possibly envision the future in order to light up the path we should be on.

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Laguna Agate
Crystals for Discontentment
Crystals for Discontentment
At times we begin to feel less joy in our lives. It may be due to a certain situation or it may just come out of nowhere at all. Discontent is not a pleasant feeling. It is compounded when you are not even sure what is missing from your life. The red rays joined with the powerful fire of the gold rays give orange crystals a very strong power for belonging, happiness, and support. If something is missing in your life we suggest using dark orange crystals.

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Orange Calcite
Crystals for Vivid Dreams
Crystals for Vivid Dreams
If you look to understand your dreams a bit more or have more vivid dreams that seem and feel real and are more easily remembered, violet crystals can help. Violet colored crystals are considered magical and are often referred to as dream stones. We suggest dark violet crystals.

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Dream MakervCrystal
Crystals for Drive
Crystals for Drive
We are naturally driven to succeed as a species. We want to learn more, move forward, and discover new things. When that natural drive is lost, it can wreak havoc on our lives. We can become listless, apathetic, and/or depressed and lose our drive completely. Thankfully, we have the positive and passionate red rays to bring us energy and breathe life back into us. When looking to increase or find your drive, we suggest fiery red colored crystals.

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Ruby Blende Sphalerite

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Crystals for Earth Energy
Crystals for Earth Energy
Earth Energy is a very powerful element used in Feng Shui. It is one of five elements among Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal. Earth energy is the energy of stability, patience, honesty, balance, and resourcefulness. It is our home energy, the energy of the ground upon which we live. When looking to increase or add Earth Energy to your living space, we suggest brown colored crystals.

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Petrified Wood
Crystals for Emotional Strength
When we have moments of darkness, despair, or emotional turmoil what we could use more than anything is emotional strength, something to help pull us through the other side when we are feeling our lowest. It should be no surprise that the color of love and passion, red, can give us the emotional strength we need to carry on.

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Red Amethyst
Crystals for Healing Emotional Wounds
Crystals for Healing Emotional Wounds
We've all at one time or another experienced pain. We've been hurt by someone we loved and trusted and it's left an emotional scar on our hearts. Sometimes we have trouble healing those emotional wounds and learning to let them go. We need support and help from the ones around us and need to find love and trust in ourselves in order to heal and move on. When looking to heal your emotional wounds, we suggest using light amethyst colored crystals.

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Crystals for Encouragement
Crystals for Encouragement
When we have moments of darkness, despair, or emotional turmoil what we could use more than anything is emotional strength, something to help pull us through the other side when we are feeling our lowest. It should be no surprise that the color of love and passion, red, can give us the emotional strength we need to carry on.

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Golden Healer
Crystals for Energy
Crystals for Energy
If you are feeling drained, run down, or tired every day, you may need a boost in energy. Instead of reaching for the coffee again or another caffeinated beverage, why not try the natural energy boosting vibrations in crystals? Red colored crystals  can give you the much needed energy lift you are searching for.

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Red Quartz
Crystals for Enlightenment
Crystals for Enlightenment
Enlightenment is a wonderful thing to seek and an even better thing to have in our lives. It opens up our minds, expands our horizons, and aids us in gaining more compassion and understanding. The path to enlightenment is a long one and it is different for everyone. If you are seeking to open your mind and except more truth and knowledge, we suggest using brightly colored yellow crystals. Yellow brings us enlightenment, optimism, realism, warmth, and dealing with harshness. We recommend using yellow crystals.

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Crystals for Dealing with Envy
Crystals for Dealing with Envy
You should never have to feel sorry or ashamed of your emotions. For the most part, they are something we cannot control. They can often come on without warning. When it comes to feelings of envy or jealousy, even though we may not control how they came on, but we can learn to deal with them and chase away the negative presence of it with crystals. Light green crystals  are recommended.

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Crystals for Experience
Crystals for Experience
Experience is something we gain throughout our lives. We may gain experience from working on something or learning something knew. We also gain experience by going through different situations in our lives. If you are looking to gain experience quicker or be less fearful of experience and the changes it can bring, we suggest using indigo colored crystals. They are the color of experience, long life, and maturity. They are perfect in assisting you on your journey to gain and welcome experience. We suggest using indigo colored crystals.

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Crystals for Faithfulness
Crystals for Faithfulness
In almost all cases, unless previously discussed, unfaithfulness in a relationship will tear it apart at its seams, making it near impossible to repair. The best way to avoid this heartache is to evade infidelity all together and be faithful to your partner. It has been shown that some of us find this more difficult than others. We suggest using beautiful blue crystals.

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Lapis Lazuli
Crystals for Family Life
Crystals for Family Life
Our family is important to us. Our parents, partner, children, grandparents, they are all an essential part of our life. When we are looking to strengthen our bond with our family, using the fire energy found in orange crystals placed in the south area of the home can enhance your standing in the community and within your family. If you are looking to bring your family closer together and have a joyful family life, we suggest using dark orange colored crystals.

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Crystals for Fatigue
Crystals for Fatigue
Unfortunately, as we age, fatigue is something that we will deal with. It can come from not getting enough sleep, poor health, or even just the basic demands that come our way on a daily basis. No matter the reason, it can be debilitating and unpleasant to feel tired and fatigued all of the time. This is why we recommend the use of crystals. Deep red crystals s can help ward off fatigue and bring energy back into your life.

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Red Adventurine
Crystals for Conquering Fear
Crystals for Conquering Fear
You don't have to live in fear. You too can begin to overcome and conquer your fears. All it takes is the first step of being willing to confront it and start dealing with it. You never have to go at it alone though, the power of crystals can help and guide you on your journey. When looking to conquer your fears, we suggest scarlet crystals.

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Laguna Agate
Crystals for Fertility
Crystals for Fertility
Infertility is a very real problem with devastating consequences. While there are many various treatments out there to increase your fertility and help you become pregnant, it can become very costly very quickly. Before going down the path of expensive treatments, why not try a more natural method, the way of our ancestors. For increasing fertility we suggest the renewing life force of green crystals.

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Crystals for Forgiveness
Crystals for Forgiveness
Forgiveness is never easy. When you are the one seeking forgiveness you can be wracked with guilt and anxiety, making it hard to communicate how sorry you are to the offended party. They can also help you better give forgiveness to others. Sometimes we may hold grudges longer than we should, if you are wanting to give forgiveness to others or seek it for yourself, light blue colored crystals can help. We suggest light blue colored crystals.

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Blue Agate
Crystals for Good Fortune
Crystals for Good Fortune
Good fortune can come in and out of our lives every day. It may sometimes feel like we are at the bottom and good fortune may never be coming our way again. However, you can help usher it back into your life with the help of dark green crystals.

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Green Adventurine
Crystals for Freedom
Crystals for Freedom
When most people discuss freedom they think of your civil liberties, the freedom that was fought for. However, other type of freedom may need to be sought such as from addiction or abuse. In these cases we believe the pure and hopeful rays of white crystals can help. We suggest using white crystals.

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Crystals for Friendship
Crystals for Friendship
Friendship is one of the many blessings in life. Friends can bring you up when you are down, be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen, and they can also share your interests and make you laugh and enjoy new experiences. However, making friends isn't easy for everyone. Sometimes a crystal can help make it easier.

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Crystals for Seeing the Future
Crystals for Seeing the Future
Seeing the future can be a tricky thing to manage but it is definitely possible. It is said that particular crystals, such as the powerful violet ray, can awaken the third eye, which can help you envision the future. You can also use these crystals for scrying, find simple yes or no answers to your questions, lucid dreaming, and warding off nightmares. If you are looking to enhance your psychic ability or learn to envision the future, we suggest using dark violet crystals.

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Crystals for Gemini
Crystals for Gemini
As one born under the sun sign of Gemini, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The great strength of the Gemini-born is in their ability to communicate effectively and to think clearly. Adventures of the mind are what the Twins are all about. They also love to share themselves with their friends, and they make for charming companions. The downside of their curious minds, however, can be a lack of follow-through.

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Crystals for Generosity
Crystals for Generosity
Generosity is something we could all use a little more of in our lives. It is often thought that what we give comes back to us in three fold. Therefore, learning to be more generous can not only bring positive change from within, it can also bring prosperity from the outside. Some people find it hard to be generous. If you are looking to have more generosity towards others, we suggest light colored orange crystals.

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Crystals for Grace
Crystals for Grace
No one is born with grace even though others appear to naturally have it where we feel that we lack it. Whether it is the grace in your step, in your dance, in your heart, or in your soul, you can find the grace you feel you need or desire. The deep night sky color of dark blue crystals can bring the elegance and goodwill back into your heart and life.

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Blue Agate

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Crystals for Happiness
Crystals for Happiness
While seeking out our own happiness in this life, it can be hard, confusing, or seem like an uphill battle. It is especially important to find a crystal that can absorb your energy and give it back; helping you find the happiness you deserve and desire. For this purpose we recommend pale gold crystals.

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Crystals for Good Health
Crystals for Good Health
Good Health is something most of us work hard toward and strive for. Green crystals can bring you earth energy and aid in healing.

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Green Aventurine
Crystals for the Heart Chakra
Crystals for the Heart Chakra
If you find a tightness in your chest, overwhelming feelings from the outside world, or a general uneasiness in your step, your heart chakra may be out of balance. When in balance we can take on the world and find balance in both the good and the bad. We feel at ease with our inner self. If you are finding that you need to rebalance your heart chakra we suggest using green crystals.

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Green Jade
Crystals for Hope
Crystals for Hope
When the days are dark and the nights seem long, a little light of hope can help carry you through. Sometimes hope is a little harder to obtain when it seems like there is no way out. There is a way out though and white crystals can help you find it. When you need a little more hope in your life we suggest white crystals.

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Candle Quartz


Crystals for Imagination
Crystals for Imagination
We may look at the children around us or in our life and marvel at their wildly active imagination. We may even miss having such an optimistic and carefree outlook on life's situations that imagination can bring. If you're an artist of any kind, an active imagination can be essential to your craft. In order to expand or reactivate a dormant imagination, we suggest using lavender colored crystals.

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Crystals for Removing Inhibitions
Crystals for Removing Inhibitions
Inhibitions are the little voices in our head that tell us to not do something. This is usually based out of fear and self-consciousness. It can keep us from pursuing what we want and achieving our dreams. It can affect us in our personal and work lives. It can keep us from taking on challenges that would otherwise advance our lives. When we need to remove our inhibitions, we suggest using white crystals.

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Crystals for Inner Beauty
Crystals for Inner Beauty
You will find in life that many entities are focused on outer beauty. Magazines, television, movies, ads; they all display outer beauty as an essential attribute. However, they fail to mention that without inner beauty, outer beauty won't get you very far. Looks fade over time and what you have left on the inside is what makes you who you are. We recommend light indigo colored crystals to aid in inner beauty.

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Spiritual Awakening Aura Quartz
Crystals for Inner Strength
Crystals for Inner Strength
Inner strength is a trait in ourselves that we often wish was stronger. We may wish that we could tell more people no or that we had an easier time dealing with emotional or tough situations. Whether you are looking to access your inner strength, build it, or even both, we believe the passion and energy from red crystals can help.

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Red Jasper
Crystals for Insecurity
Crystals for Insecurity
Living your life plagued with insecurities and self-doubt is no way to live. You deserve to live your life with happiness, confidence, and the belief in yourself that you can achieve anything. Insecurity can be painful and harmful to ourselves and our relationship. However, with some motivation and the helpful vibrations of blue crystals, you can get over the mountains that you have placed in your path. When looking to overcome your insecurities we suggest using blue crystals.

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Crystals for Insomnia
Crystals for Insomnia
Insomnia can be a very hard disorder to deal with. You can often feel isolated from your loved ones, always tired, and moody. If you have been unable to sleep make sure you let your doctor know as this may be a sign of a bigger issue. If you have talked to your doctor and you are still unable to get a peaceful night's sleep, we believe crystals can help. We suggest using dark violet colored crystals.

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Dream Maker Crystals
Crystals for Inspiration
Crystals for Inspiration
Inspiration can come at the most inopportune times and for some us, it may be hard to even find it at all. We need inspiration though, even if we aren't pursuing the arts. We need it to write a paper, come up with creative solutions to our problems, or to find some strings of happiness in the darkness. If you are in the arts, crystals can bring you inspiration in so many forms such as sculpting, painting, writing, music, acting, and more. If you are looking to find some inspiration we suggest you use violet colored crystals.

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Crystals for Intuition
Crystals for Intuition
Having intuition in life is important. It is our instinct, our gut feeling, and it keeps us safe from physically and emotionally damaging situations. Some of us are born with better intuition than others, while some who lose their path in life for a while, just may need to regain some. In either situation we recommend the magical renewal and seeking powers of violet crystals.

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Lithium Quartz

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Crystals for Overcoming Jealousy
Crystals for Overcoming Jealousy
Jealousy is a very negative emotion, but one that most of us have felt. It is a very random emotion in the sense that we cannot seem to control it. We may feel jealous over a friend getting to do something we wanted to do or jealous over attention our partner may be receiving from someone else. We suggest using light green colored crystals.

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Green Apatite
Crystals for a Job Interview
Crystals for a Job Interview
Finding a new job can be difficult and stressful. Add onto that when you actually get a call back and schedule an interview, it can be very nerve racking! You may feel less confident, nervous, and worried about if you will say the right things. Crystals can be an amazing aid in helping you nail a job interview! They can help you communicate better, increase confidence, and aid you in new endeavors. If you have some job interviews coming up, we suggest using light yellow colored crystals.

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Lemon Aura Quartz
Crystals for Joy
Crystals for Joy
Joy is a feeling that can be lost for many reasons. Sometimes as we age we lose the capacity to experience as much joy as we used to. Other times the tough times in life can bring us down. The world may seem grey and colorless, the joy and happiness you once felt feels lost and unable to be recovered. In hard times such as these or even if you are seeking to expand your capacity to feel joy, we feel orange crystals can help. We suggest using crystals with powerful orange rays.

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Sunrise Quartz

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Crystals for Knowledge
Crystals for Knowledge
Knowledge is the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. We gain this wisdom through information, learning, and experience. We can be seek knowledge to help us expand our minds or maybe gain insight on particular situations. We also may want to broaden our horizons or even study better in school. For all of these needs, the wisdom found in olive crystals can help.

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Crystals for Curing Laziness
Crystals for Curing Laziness
Laziness is something that plagues us all at some point in our lives. The stress and fast pace of things make our body and our soul tired and often times we just want to rest. However, sometimes it can be hard to get back up once that rest is over and laziness may start to set it. The powerful scarlet ray of influence can restore your vitality and bring you boundless energy to help cure laziness. We suggest using dark scarlet colored crystals.

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Crystals for Leadership
Crystals for Leadership
They say that some people are born leaders while others are born as followers. We don't believe this to be true. We believe that there is a leader inside every single one of us. Even if we don't show leadership qualities at work we may show them at home or at volunteer organizations. If you are looking to bring out or increase your inner leader, crystals can help. Gold colored crystals can bring out leadership qualities in your life, home, and career.

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Crystals for Learning
Crystals for Learning
Increasing our ability to and efforts toward learning can help us throughout our entire lives. While crystals definitely help students learn more, study more efficiently, and retain the information they learn, they can also help adults at their jobs, hobbies, or just in their quest for knowledge. We suggest using dark olive colored crystals.

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Crystals for Leo
Crystals for Leo
As one born under the sun sign of Leo, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism and leadership. Lions don't lack for ambition, either, so they're likely to accomplish a lot and have fun while they're at it. Their warmth and loyalty ensures that others will enjoy the ride as well. Since Leo rules the heart and back, however, overzealous Lions may have to take a deep breath and slow down a bit. We suggest you use stones to enhance and balance your Leo qualities.

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Crystals for Libra
Crystals for Libra
As one born under the sun sign of Libra, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The great strength of the Libra-born is their quest for fairness, peace and harmony. That the Scales are the great diplomats of the zodiac further helps their case. Libras are so adept at charming conversation that they need to be mindful of overstepping their boundaries and appearing vain or gossipy. We suggest you use stones to enhance and balance your Libra qualities.

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Crystals for a Better Life
Crystals for a Better Life
When your life feels out of balance and you are searching for better, you may be surprised to learn that crystals can help. The golden ray of influence brought by gold crystals can assist you in achieving a better life. Whether you are looking for a promotion, more happiness, or better relationships, the mix of yellow and orange color rays bring golden hope for a better life. We suggest you such gold crystals.

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Crystals for a Long Life
Crystals for a Long Life
There are many ways and ideas out today that can help you live a long life. The proper diet with exercise, not smoking, and only drinking occasionally are just some of the advice offered by many doctors. While we recommend those suggestions as well, we all suggest you add another healing property to add to longevity in your life, the healing powers of  Violet crystals.

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Crystals for Dealing with Loss of Love
Crystals for Dealing with Loss of Love
It is fair to say that at some point in our lives we have all dealt with a loss of love. It can be an emotionally devastating experience, one that may be hard to recover from. We may feel depressed, hurt, angry, betrayed, and sad. However, there is hope for the aching heart. The soothing pink color rays can lull your broken heart and open it once again to receive love. When dealing with loss of love we recommend pink colored crystals.

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Pink Tourmaline
Crystals for Love
Crystals for Love
Love is a feeling every human being has felt at one point in their life. As we all know, love can have very joyous ups and very painful downs. Crystals can help you in healing a broken heart, finding new love, or rekindling the fires. We recommend using pink crystals.

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Rose Quartz Crystal
Crystals for Lucid Dreaming
Crystals for Lucid Dreaming
Learning to lucid dream effectively can be challenging. If you are not familiar with lucid dreaming, it is when the dream realizes he or she is in a dream, usually by some sort of predetermined method. Once the dreamer realizes they are dreaming, they are able to control the dream and usually the situation around them. However, this does take practice to perfect. When wanting to increase the effectiveness of lucid dreaming we suggest using dark violet colored crystals.

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Crystals for Luck
Crystals for Luck
Luck is a funny thing because they say either you have it, or you don't. But what if you could harness it a little better than that? With violet colored crystals you can!

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Crystals for Marriage
Crystals for Marriage
Marriage isn't always easy. There comes hard times and happy times and sometimes the hard times last longer than they should. If you find yourself in this type of situation, don't despair. You can use the power of dark orange crystals to help you rebuild and/or strengthen your relationship. It can bring more love and joy into your marriage as well as open the lines of verbal and sexual communication.

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Orange Sapphire
Crystals for Meditation
Crystals for Meditation
Meditation is a state of deep relaxation and introspection that can be an invaluable tool for our lives. Often times we can get caught up in the stress and easily overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. The stress can often cause damage to our minds and bodies, especially if it is prolonger over time. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress and bring a sense of calm and inner peace. When looking to enhance or deepen your meditative state, we suggest using silver colored crystals.

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Crystals for Mothering
Crystals for Mothering
Mothering doesn't come natural to all of us as some may have you believe. Many things can get in the way of the emotions and drive that supposed to "kick in" after having a baby. This could be fear, loneliness, feelings of inadequacy, or postpartum depression. However, you are never alone in your struggle. Many women suffer with these same feelings every day. If you are have trouble, please seek professional assistance to help you through this time. You can also use dark red crystals to aid you in the process of bringing on or restoring these feelings.

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Red Labradorite
Crystals for Motivation
Crystals for Motivation
Motivation isn't always an easy attribute to find. It doesn't come to all of us easily, and the ones it does it can be just as easily lost. It seems as if are motivation can sometimes be directly related to our emotions and situation. If we are in a bad place either emotionally or in our lives, motivation can seem like a far off dream. We need motivation in our lives to become more, move on, move up, and find better places for us to be, both mentally and spiritually. If you are looking to find or increase your motivation we recommend light olive colored crystals.

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Crystals for Music
Crystals for Music
Music is the soundtrack of life. It can pick us up when we're feeling down and it can push us even higher when we are at our best. Whether you are creating music of your own or you just have an indescribable love for music, crystals can inspire, enhance, and enrich your creative and musical life. We suggest using violet crystals.

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Lithitum Quartz

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Crystals for Nature
Crystals for Nature
Finding yourself at one with nature is one of the most peaceful moments you can experience. The lush green forests can bring you peace, happiness, and envelope you into a sense of calm and purpose. Like the green found in nature, green colored crystals can help you grow and develop in the ways you need. Green colored crystals can also bring you very close with nature. Meditate with a green crystal among nature and feeling a strong sense of connection you have never felt before. For connecting with nature we recommend green crystals.

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Crystals for Verbalizing Needs
Crystals for Verbalizing Needs
When we tend to take care of the others around us, it can leave us drained after a long period of time. We can be left feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. It is not selfish of us at all to verbalize our needs, but people that are natural caretakers have a hard time doing so. If you find that you have a hard time asking for what you want or expressing your needs we suggest dark yellow colored crystals.

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Yellow Jasper
Crystals for Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Crystals for Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Negativity from others is hard to deal with but can at time be avoided. However, negative thoughts are something that stick with you throughout the day and night. They can tell you horrible things that not true and lower our self-confidence, self-worth, and may even cause depression and anxiety. If you need to overcome your negative thoughts we recommend using turquoise colored crystals.

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Crystals for Overcoming Nervousness
Crystals for Overcoming Nervousness
Nervousness is considered a negative feeling. Not only is it unpleasant, but it can begin to affect your everyday life. Being nervous over situations can make you want to avoid them and miss out on important opportunities in your life. On the contrary you can also be nervous over little things in life such as driving or going on a date. In any way that it may come on, crystals can help you overcome nervousness. We suggest using light colored blue crystals.

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Crystals for New Beginnings
Crystals for New Beginnings
Whether you are trying to find your new beginning or muster up the courage to face yours, crystals can be of help. The powerful color rays found in green crystals can bring you growth, renewal, and vitality. These will all help you with your process to grow and find your new beginning or grow to learn to accept the change. If you are looking for help with your new beginning we suggest using bright green crystals.

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Emerald Aura Quartz
Crystals for Nightmares
Crystals for Nightmares
Many people often cannot wait to go to sleep to experience the pleasant and often magical space that is their dreams. However, when those dreams turn into nightmares it can quickly be a place of fear and darkness. The deep violet rays can help soothe nightmares and bring your nighttime slumber back to the place is should be.

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Dream Maker Crystals

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Crystals for Dealing with Obsession
Crystals for Dealing with Obsession
Sometimes a minor obsession can be a good thing, such as a new love or a really good book. However, without temperance to the hot fires of extreme emotions, obsessions can form quickly and become detrimental in many ways. If you are dealing with an obsession nor or if you suffer from an illness such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, we believe the strength and willpower found in scarlet colored crystals can help. You can also try crystals other authors have suggested.

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Red Jasper
Crystals for Optimism
Crystals for Optimism
When things get rough nothing can quite keep you going like hope. And where does hope stem from? Optimism. To put it simply, optimism gets us through the darker days, helping the sun rise up once more. It lets us know that after the rain, there is certainly a rainbow. The bright beautiful rays of yellow crystals can help restore your optimism even in the darkest of times.

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Sulfur Crystals
Crystals for Dealing with Overindulgence
Crystals for Dealing with Overindulgence
Moderating things you love or possibly things you are addicted to can be challenging. Often, overindulgence is something we give in to far too often. Temptation, emotional imbalance, and negative energy, among many other things, can affect how much we are able to control ourselves. When needing to deal with overindulgence we suggest trying the happiness, cheerfulness, and contentment found in light gold colored crystals.

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Golden Apatite

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Crystals for Panic Attacks
Crystals for Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can be very real and very terrifying and you should never have to suffer through them alone. They can get bad enough to where you don't want to leave the house at all. You become afraid of the things you used to enjoy. You're always in fear, waiting for that next panic attack. It is not a way to live. We recommend turquoise colored crystals.

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Crystals for Letting Go of the Past
Crystals for Letting Go of the Past
The past can often haunt us. They act like ghosts in our rearview mirror and it can be hard or even impossible to outrun them. In order to let go of our past, we must first manage and deal with it. Often times our past won't leave us because we haven't left it. We hold on to the painful memories and the feelings it caused us. We believe the healing rays of light blue colored crystals can begin to help us let go of the past once and for all. We suggest light blue colored crystals.

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Crystals for Accessing Past Lives
Crystals for Accessing Past Lives
When looking into your past lives, you may feel a little lost on how to begin accessing them. We recommend harnessing the power of crystals. Light blue colored crystals bring us acceptance, recovery, and patience. They can also help us open up and look deeper into ourselves and our past. If you are looking to access your past lives, we suggest using light blue colored crystals.

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Bulgarian Opal
Crystals for Peace of Mind
Crystals for Peace of Mind
Peace of mind can often be hard to achieve in today's world. If you are not worried about your career or money, then you are worried about your children, your spouse, or your health. You also may be troubled by things going on in the world that seem out of your control. However, turquoise colored crystals  can help restore your peace of mind.

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Aqua Aura
Crystals for Personal Growth
Crystals for Personal Growth
Personal growth is something we all have to face at one point in our lives. As we get older we start to find that growing and learning is a part of life and we must face it head on in order to gain anything from it. However, with that being said, personal growth can also be a struggle and hard to face alone. We don't feel you should have to face these issues alone. The power of violet colored crystals can help expand your mind, intuition, and follow your heart. It is an essential stone for personal growth. We suggest such violet hue crystals.

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Crystals for Overcoming Pessimism
Crystals for Overcoming Pessimism
Being pessimistic isn't always a choice, in fact, it usually is not. While we may have grown up around other pessimists or maybe you were an optimistic that has been badly hurt. If you need to overcome pessimism we recommend the joyful and exuberant color of gold. Gold is a very powerful color, one that is able to rid your life of negative energy and replace it with positive energy and a more optimistic outlook. We suggest using light gold colored crystals.

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Golden Apatite
Crystals for Pets
Crystals for Pets
Our pets are not just something we have. We might get them at first just for the simple fact that we might like having a pet! However, over time you build up a bond and relationship with your pets like no other. It is simply amazing. There are actually crystals more attuned to animal, this means that crystals can not only aid them in fighting off negative energy plus physical benefits, but it can also help you love them more and bond with them on a deeper level. If you are looking for crystals for your pets, we suggest blue colored crystals.

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Blue Chalcedony
Crystals for Pisces
Crystals for Pisces
As one born under the sun sign of Pisces, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The great strength of the Scorpio-born is in their determination, passion and motivation. Scorpios don't know the word quit, which is why they usually get the job done. Beware the Scorpio who feels crossed! These folks can turn vindictive in no time flat. Luckily, once Scorpios catch their breath, they will return to their usual determined and loyal ways. We suggest you use stones to enhance and balance your Pisces qualities.

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Crystals for Popularity
Crystals for Popularity
Popularity is a fleeting thing. You can be popular amongst your group of friends and as you grow up or grow apart, it may change. However, if you are looking to gain popularity now amongst friends, co-workers, and family, crystals can help. Orange colored crystals can aid us in bringing out our energy, our zest for life, and gaining and improving relationships in our lives. If you are looking to increase your popularity we suggest using light orange crystals.

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Sunrise Quartz
Crystals for A Positive Image
Life has its ups and downs. Even positive people can have problems with having a positive outlook all the time. It's even harder for people who may view the glass as half empty but would like to be more positive. We may be approaching a large problem in our life and we need help to see the good still around us. We may be suffering from depression or just being down and we need a boost to our everyday life. We believe crystals can help with all these issues and help bring you a positive outlook back or help foster a new one.

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Crystals for Power
Crystals for Power
If you need to find and feel power in your life, we suggest the undeniable power and energy found in crystals. Whether it be in your job, relationships, or just life, we all need to feel some sort of inner power. We need to believe in ourselves and push the self-doubt aside. In times like these, we can seek the ever powerful gold color crystals for our pursuit. We suggestgold colored crystals.

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Tiger Eye
Crystals for Problem Solving
Crystals for Problem Solving
Problems are a part of life. No matter how well you live your life and are careful of the consequences, problems seem to creep up when we least expect them. They can be personal, work, or relationship problems that are plaguing you. We can't expect to solve all of these problems on our own without a little guidance and support. Fortunately, olive colored crystals can bring you both of these. To solve problems we suggest using light colored olive crystals.

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Crystals for Psychic Powers
Crystals for Psychic Powers
Whether you already have psychic powers and are looking to enhance them or you are trying to discover your psychic powers or become more aware of them, crystals can help. Dark violet crystals have special powers. They are the windows to the soul and the world beyond our ordinary understanding. For this reason we suggest you use dark colored crystals.

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Spirit Quartz

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Crystals for Quitting Smoking
Crystals for Quitting Smoking
Said to be one of the most addictive substances known to man, cigarettes are never easy to quit. It can be an uphill battle that ends with you quitting and restarting multiple times. Why not save yourself and your health and quit for good? Even if you are quitting cold turkey or with the aid of nicotine replacement therapy, crystals can help you quit smoking once and for all. We recommend the strength and willpower brought on by light colored scarlet crystals.

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laguna agate

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Crystals for Recovery
Crystals for Recovery
We all go through tough times in life and after the fall we inevitably pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off, and start to move on. This last stage is also known as the recovery process. After a bad breakup, an abusive relationship, when recovering from and addiction, or any other type of unfortunate incident in life, we can use light blue colored crystals for an aid in our recovery effort. When used alongside a support system and counseling, crystals can be a very helpful tool. We suggest using calming light blue colored crystals.

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Crystals for Relaxation
Crystals for Relaxation
Relaxation is not always easy to find. We may be too busy to find the time for ourselves. However, it is essential to your emotional, mental, and physical health to relax at least once a day. Meditation is the easiest way to do this and it doesn't have to take very long. You can even use crystals to aid you into a deeper meditative state or wear one to restore balance and bring you calmness and stress relief throughout the day. We suggest using turquoise colored crystals.

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Crystals for Renewal
Crystals for Renewal
Life is full of challenges and at times those challenges are so great we feel beaten down or lost. We may not know how we got to this point but we are exhausted, feel left out and empty. Don't worry, you can once again be renewed with green crystals.

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Green Cat's Eye Quartz
Crystals for Responsibility
Crystals for Responsibility
Responsibility is one of the harder tasks we must accept when becoming adults. To be able to do the things we really don't want to do. Or even if we do not mind doing said tasks, to not get overwhelmed and weighed down by them. The tranquil waters of blue crystals can bring you back though and wash away any negativity and self-doubt and ease you back into the open waters once again, feeling whole and more prepared.

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Blue Aragonite
Crystals for Romance
Crystals for Romance
If you need to reignite the flame in your relationship or find new romance in your life, pink crystals can help. We sometimes lose the feeling of passion or attraction to our mate after being with them for many years. Sometimes we can also find ourselves meeting new lovers but never truly finding romance.

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Crystals for the Sacral Chakra
Crystals for the Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is essential to your physical and spiritual health when in balance. When it is flowing right it is your gut feeling, your intuition, and you will feel happy and flexible. However, when your sacral chakra becomes blocked or imbalanced you may feel confused, dependent, and unhappy. There is good news though! If you think your sacral chakra might be blocked or out of balance, meditate with an orange crystal over the chakra to work on balancing it.

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Moss Agate
Crystals for Safety
Crystals for Safety
It is in our natural instinct to protect ourselves and loved ones. We want to feel safe and secure. There are many crystals that offer protection but dark green crystals offer safety, shelter, survival, and overcoming fear particularly. If you are looking to feel safer or add some safety and protection to a loved one's life, we recommend using dark green crystals.

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Green Jasper
Crystals for Sagittarius
Crystals for Sagittarius
As one born under the sun sign of Sagittarius, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. Those born under The Archer sign are clear thinkers, and choose to look at the big picture most of the time. They also like it when others agree with their well-thought-out point of view. The alternative to this, for better or for worse, is a Sag who can become argumentative and blunt. We suggest you use stones to enhance and balance your Sagittarian qualities.

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Lapis Lazuli
Crystals for Satisfaction
Crystals for Satisfaction
Being able to feel satisfaction in your relationships, job, and in general in life is important. Sometimes we need a little boost to help us get there and feel fully contented. Light gold colored crystals are perfect for boosting not only our satisfaction but also our happiness and optimism which are essential building blocks to being content in life. In order to bring satisfaction to your life we recommend using light gold colored crystals.

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Crystals for Scorpio
Crystals for Scorpio
As one born under the sun sign of Scorpio, you have quite a few choices about which crystals are really right for you. The great strength of the Scorpio-born is in their determination, passion and motivation. Scorpios don't know the word quit, which is why they usually get the job done. Beware the Scorpio who feels crossed! These folks can turn vindictive in no time flat. Luckily, once Scorpios catch their breath, they will return to their usual determined and loyal ways. We suggest you use stones to enhance and balance your Scorpio qualities.

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Crystals for Self-Acceptance
Crystals for Self-Acceptance
Self-Love and Self-Acceptance is one of the most important things we can have for ourselves, yet sometimes, one of the hardest to achieve. When struggling with these messages of negativity we find light blue crystals  can move you in the right direction toward optimism and confidence.

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Blue Chalcedony Crystal
Crystals for Curing Self-Pity
Crystals for Curing Self-Pity
Pity in itself is never a positive emotion to begin with. Even if it is well placed it makes you feel bad and can bring you negative energy and emotion. When that pity is internalized and becomes self-pity though, it becomes even hard. Self-pity is like a ditch that you unintentionally keep digging deeper and it can be difficult to crawl out of. However, you can use the strength, willpower, and vitality that scarlet colored crystals bring you to cure your self-pity and help you begin to see the other side of the ditch. We recommend using dark scarlet colored crystals.

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Crystals for Self-Worth
Crystals for Self-Worth
Finding worth in yourself is so very important throughout life. We don't often focus enough on finding love and value in ourselves. Without a high self-worth we may find ourselves feeling depressed, having poor relationships, and having negative feelings for ourselves. We must work on our confidence, self-acceptance, and self-worth to bring them up to where we deserve them to be. You are amazing and you should feel that way! For bringing up your self-worth we suggest red crystals.

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Red Jasper
Crystals for Serenity
Crystals for Serenity
When seeking to bring serenity in your life and find a sense of peace, balance and harmony, the tranquil hues in turquoise colored crystals can assist in giving you the tranquility you need. Let turquoise colored crystals help bring peace back into your life.

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Crystals for Sex
Crystals for Sex
Sex is a very complex, passionate, and amazing act that our species engage in in order to procreate, experience pleasure, and express our deep love for one another. When sex becomes less fulfilling, less pleasurable, and you find yourself becoming less and less interested in it, an orange colored crystal may be exactly what you need. Orange colored crystals mix the red rays of passion and the gold rays of joy together to make a potent orange ray. If you are looking to increase or improve your sex life, we suggest orange colored crystals.

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Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra
Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra
When the solar plexus chakra becomes blocked or unbalanced we can feel physically ill from digestion issues, while spiritually we may live in fear of others or even ourselves. When in balance we feel as if we can live our life free, the way it was intended. Physically our digestive track will be operating optimally. If you feel as if you need to balance your solar plexus chakra we suggest using yellow colored crystals.

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Crystals for Solitude
Crystals for Solitude
Lighting an incense and some candles and sitting down in the center of a room with crystals around you or in your hands while you meditate may be one of the most peaceful moments you can experience. If you are not getting enough solitude in your life, maybe because you are fearful of it or cannot seem to make the time for yourself, crystals can help. Solitude is very important for our emotional balance and mental sanity. If you are looking to find or enhance times of solitude we suggest using light turquoise colored crystals. In lighter shades, turquoise energy is transformed to the power of inner harmony and peace through spiritual realization.

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Crystals for Strength
Crystals for Strength
When seeking to increase your emotional inner strength or even your physical strength, the powerful combination of orange and red rays inside scarlet colored crystals can aim to help. We recommend such crystals to aid in boosting your strength.

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Red Amethyst
Crystals for Dealing with Stress
Crystals for Dealing with Stress
The stress of daily life can sometimes just be too much and easily begin to take its toll. It can make us feel rundown, tired, overwhelmed, and wreak havoc on our health. When you need help in dealing with the daily stresses of life, look no further than the tranquil rays of turquoise colored crystals. W

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Aqua Aura
Crystals for Success
Crystals for Success
What does success mean to you? Whatever your definition of success may be, crystals can aid you in your journey to get there. For success we recommend Gold colored crystals.

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Amber Crystal
Crystals for Support