Using Angelite to Connect to Your Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel Angelite

Do you know who your guardian angel is? Not only can we tell you, but we can also help you connect with them whenever and wherever you need to! All you need is an Angelite Window. You can use any Angelite to connect with your guardian angel but an Angelite Window acts like your portal to the angelic realm.

Angelite is a stone of quiet strength and acceptance. Quite likely to be the strongest “gentle energy” stone in existence. It is a stone of angelic calming energy, excellent for purifying the emotional body.

We recommend everyone sleep with one on their pillow or by their bedside to allow their guardian angel to watch over them while they sleep.

Who is My Guardian Angel?

Find your birthday below to find the name of your guardian angel. Scroll down further to see about getting a card for your angel.

Sun Sign Dates Guardian Angel Color
Aries March 21st-April 20th
March 21- 25 Vehuiah (Vehujah) Lt. Turquoise
March 26-30 Jelial Lt. Indigo
March 31- April 4 Sitael (Sirael) Dk. Green
April 5-9 Elemiah Orange
April 10-14 Mahasiah Indigo
April 15-20 Lelahel Lt. Olive
Taurus April 21st-May 20th
April 21-25 Achaiah Yellow
April 26-30 Cahatel Amethyst
May 1-5 Haziel Black
May 6-10 Aladiah Clear
May 11-15 Lauviah (Laviah) Lt. Yellow
May 16-20 Hahaiah (Hahajah) Black
Gemini May 21st-June 21st
May 21-25 Iezalel Lt. Indigo
May 26-31 Mebahel Silver
June 1-5 Hariel Pink
June 6-10 Hakamiah Green
June 11-15 Lauviah (Laviah) Lt. Yellow
June 16-21 Caliel Blue
Cancer June 22nd-July 22nd
June 22-26 Lauviah (Laviah) Lt. Yellow
June 27-July 1 Pahaliah Dk. Yellow
July 2-6 Nelchael (Nelakhel) Indigo
July 7-11 Ieiaeil (Jejalel) Lt. Green
July 12-16 Melahel Turquoise
July 17-22 Hahueuiah Dk. Amethyst
Leo July 23rd-August 22nd
July 23-27 Nith-Haiah (Nithhaja) Dk. Yellow
July 28-August 1 Haaiah Lt. Blue
August 2-6 Terathel Orange
August 7-12 Seheiah (Sehijah) Dk. Yellow
August 13-17 Reiiel (Rejajel) Clear
August 18-22 Omael Dk. Yellow
Virgo August 23rd-September 23rd
August 23-28 Lecabel Turquoise
August 29-September 2 Vasiariah Black
September 3-7 Yehudiah Green
September 8-12 Lehahiah Dk. Green
September 13-17 Chavakiah Dk. Orange
September 18-23 Menadel Violet
Libra September 24th-October 23rd
September 24-28 Anael Lt. Olive
September 29-October 3 Haamiah Scarlet
October 4-8 Rehael Brown
October 9-13 Ieiazel (Ihiazel) Indigo
October 14-18 Hahahel (Hahael) Lt. Orange
October 19-23 Mikael Red
Scorpio October 24th-November 22nd
October 24-28 Veualiah (Vevaliah) Lt. Indigo
October 29-November 2 Ielahiah Lt. Amethyst
November 3-7 Sealiah Black
November 8-12 Ariel Pink
November 13-17 Asaliah Dk. Red
November 18-22 Mihael Lt. Orange
Sagittarius November 23rd-December 21st
November 23-27 Vahuel (Vehael) Amethyst
November 28-December 2 Daniel Dk. Scarlet
December 3-7 Hahasiah Clear
December 8-12 Imamiah Dk. Red
December 13-16 Nanael Indigo
December 17-21 Nithael Yellow
Capricorn December 22nd-January 20th
December 22-26 Mebahiah Dk. Orange
December 27-31 Poiel (Polial) Dk. Green
January 1-5 Nemamiah Green
January 6-10 Ieilael (Ieliel) Orange
January 11-15 Harahel Lt. Scarlet
January 16-20 Mitzrael (Mizrael) Dk. Amethyst
Aquarius January 21st-February 19th
January 21-25 Umabel (Umbael) Orange
January 26-30 Iahhel Lt. Scarlet
January 31-February 4 Anauel Lt. Scarlet
February 5-9 Mehiel Brown
February 10-14 Damabiah Brown
February 15-19 Manakel (Manadel) Amethyst
Pisces February 20th-March 20th
February 20-24 Eiael Dk. Turquoise
February 25-29 Habuhiah (Habajuah) Amethyst
March 1-5 Rochel Dk. Indigo
March 6-10 Gabamiah (Jabamiah) Dk. Indigo
March 11-15 Haiaiel (Hajael) Black
March 16-20 Mumiah (Mumijah) Dk. Red

Get a Guardian Angel Card

Print out a free card to fill out and keep so you always remember the name of your guardian angel.

Connecting With Your Angel

If you ever need to connect to your guardian angel, all you need to do is hold an Angelite crystal in your hands and close your eyes. Say their name either aloud or in your head. Don't worry about pronouncing it just right. You will know the right way, it will feel right to you.

After you feel the presence of your angel join you, feel free to bask in their comfort or ask any questions or requests you may have. This might be to watch over you during an important event or maybe offer guidance for something coming up you need assistance with.

Angelite helps you to speak your truth. It encourages communication and self-expression. Angelite helps attune oneself to a higher frequency. This helps connect both their guardian angels and spirit guides.

Serenity and Strength with Angelite

a Calming Meditation

When your life and thoughts become too chaotic, it is time to sit and find your center through grounding. By grounding you are re-establishing your connection with the earth and the Universe.

By using Angelite in your meditation you may also ground yourself by finding an enhanced connection with the Angelic Realm. The energy and peace that you will find through this meditation should also give you a sense of needed calm.


  1. Find a place in your home or outside that will allow you to sit undisturbed for a short period of time. Make sure this place is comfortable and that you feel safe and secure.
  2. Hold a piece of Angelite in your hands and allow your gaze to softly focus upon it. Note the soft and calming color of the stone and feel its energy begins to build and flow upwards through your arms.
  3. Once you are feeling energized, close your eyes and take several deep calming breaths. Clear your mind of all negative or distracting thoughts.
  4. When you are feeling calm and your head is clear, begin to visualize a white light surrounding and protecting you. The light should begin to surround you and bring a sense of warmth and acceptance.
  5. While you are surrounded by the light, begin to focus on your own body. What is causing the current chaos that you feel? Focus on what that chaos could be and send your thoughts out to the Universe. Allow the Universe and the energies of Angelite to bring these worries to the Angelic Realm.
  6. Once you have collected your thoughts, allow your connection with the higher realm to ease your troubles, and instill a sense of peace and calm that these things will be sorted in due time.
  7. Take a few more deep breaths as you begin to come back to the room and slowly open your eyes. Take a moment or two to reflect on the calm within you and slowly stand.
  8. Keep the piece of Angelite with you to touch throughout the day when you are feeling the weight of the world weighing you down.

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by Kat Ohren

Kat is a Certified Crystal Master and Crystal Astrologist. She has been working with both crystals and astrology for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Sciences and Technology from Pennsylvania State University. Kat is a Florida native and has been with Crystal Vaults for over 10 years.

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