Garnet Cluster-0

Garnet and its Many Types & Colors

There are several different types of Garnet. While all of them can help add drive, strength, vitality, and focus to achieve your goals, you can get even more focused healing by choosing a particular Garnet type that fits your needs specifically.

Which type of Garnet should I use?

Andradite Garnet

Andradite Garnet is well-grounded in Earth's elemental colors of green or olive, dark yellow, and black. A spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment, it is also a stone of strength and safety. Associated with the Base, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras, it dissolves feelings of isolation or alienation and attracts intimate encounters with others.

Grossular Garnet

Grossular Garnet exemplifies hope, empowerment, and all things nurturing from Mother Earth. It ranges in sunrise colors of yellow, gold, orange, scarlet and red, and the more popular shades of lush green. It is a stone of prosperity and abundance, encouraging gratitude and service to others. Associated with the Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Heart Chakras, Grossular Garnet is a deeply spiritual stone.

Almandine (Red) Garnet

Almandine (Red) Garnet unites the energy of scarlet and red with the more muted, earthy overtones of brown. It is intimately tied to the Earth, and is a talisman of protection and unyielding strength, increasing willpower and resistance to all things negative. It aids circulation and all blood-related issues. Associated with the First Chakra, it is a stone of physical love and relationships, and a spiritual stone of psychic protection.

Rhodolite (Pink) Garnet

Rhodolite (Pink) Garnet is known as a Stone of Inspiration, bringing the inspiration of love via the heart and mind. It helps one receive abundance on an emotional level, stimulating one’s sense of self-worth and alleviating feelings of inadequacy. It assists in owning one’s gifts and abilities and sharing them with others. Pink Garnet is a crystal of inspiration and emotional healing. It encourages love, kindness, and compassion, and promotes self-worth and spiritual growth.

Green Garnet

Green Garnet is helpful for bringing one’s visions into reality. Their vibrational pattern creates confidence and motivation to get down to business and make things happen. This stone encourages prosperity, healing the root of scarcity-mindedness, and reveals the abundance the Earth and Universe provide.

Fuchsite with Garnet

Fuchsite with Garnet is a crystal of the heart, alleviating heaviness in the emotional field and nourishing the aura with an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness, and abundance. It provides a protective and calming influence during use and is thought to heal melancholy and depression, strengthening the survival instinct, and bringing courage and hope into critical situations.

Garnet in Biotite

Garnet in Biotite is a mix of Almandine Garnet and Biotite. Biotite, also called Black Mica, is commonly regarded for its ability to guide one towards clarity in removing the issues in their life.

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