Crystal Secrets Apophyllite

Crystal secrets is a new mini-series we're offering here at Crystal Vaults. We will discuss one uncommon crystal. Today we will be discussing the crystal secrets of Apophyllite.

Apophyllite can be used to enhance and stimulate your intuitive vision. It is used to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm. It carries the vibrations of higher realms and can be excellent for communications with angels and light spirits.

Apophyllite can...

  • be used to attract and find a life-long mate.
  • enhance the flow of Reiki energy and help healers be a pure channel.
  • promote total honesty and harmony with people.
  • help attract what you want to you.
  • build solid relationships and agreements
  • promote energy stimulation
  • bring light and energy to your heart
  • clear negative energy and emotions
  • and much more!

Did you know?

Apophyllite is a wonderful crystal to release both stress and anxiety. It clears negative thoughts and emotions quickly. It clears blockages in the Chakras and helps keep your head and heart connected.

Since this crystal has high water content, it can assist us in connecting with the ebbs and flows within ourselves and our lives. It also brings an incredibly soothing feeling when being touched or held; like holding a serene spring or ocean in your hands. It removes fear, anxiety, and stress while sharpening the mind, memory, and offering mental clarity.

We have a handful of high-quality Apophyllite Clusters available. The prismatic crystals of these Apophyllites are natural crystals with good form and clarity. The short prismatic habit is typical and often produces natural rainbows when the light is right. These are quite bright, mostly clear to white crystals.

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