Red Malachite Tumbled Set (Large)


Description: Highly polished Red Malachite Tumbled Stones with beautiful patterns. Red Malachite is actually Red Jasper that has bands that mimic Malachite. Red Malachite is also a stone of inner peace and boundary protection. It places a protective shield around your aura to keep your energy shielded and safe.

Size: Large, 3/4-1 inch in length. Sold in bags of six.

Primary Uses: Malachite is a powerful amulet of protection from physical harm and is an excellent meditation aid in connecting with Mother Earth. It is a talisman of charity and service to others.

Read more about Malachite in the table below, or see our very extensive discussions of Malachite’s metaphysical uses and properties in our Crystal Metaphysical Encyclopedia entry for Malachite.

Click here to visit our Frequently Asked Questions about tumbled stones to learn more.

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Talismans or Amulet
Color Energy
Feng Shui
Other Info
  • Red Malachite is a Guardian Builder Crystal. Guardian The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. These stones rarely, if ever, form transparent crystals. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess.

    In the physical world they are fantastic amulets for protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. When they have the Earth Power of a Builder from their chemical makeup, these crystals are perfect aids in building up wealth, or improving our lot in life both materially and spiritually.

    Red Malachite crystals are primarily used for their power by augmenting your personal strength, physical energy, and vitality to deal with the demands of the busy world. They give you a place of repose and calm, and the strength to keep it.

  • Red Malachite is one of the natural birthstones for those born in mid spring (20 April – 20 May).
  • Red Malachite, with its Red Color Ray of Influence are associated with the First Chakra, the Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiating through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body. When it is out of balance you will feel flighty and physically adrift. This Red Malchite can be used effectively in crystal healing when the Base Chakra is in need of realignment.
  • Red Malachite has Fire energy and is used in the south area of a home or room. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature.
  • Some practitioners have used Malachite in meditations to get in touch with the Earth Mother. It seems holding one and sitting quietly on the ground for a few quiet minutes seems to make many people much more aware of the earth as a living organism upon whom we are totally dependent.
  • Other practitioners report that Malachite helps with communication with higher levels of the spirit world and a stone that helps you “let go” of things that you need to rid from your life. It is reported to be of benefit to gaining control over your emotions.