Mind Meld Elixir of Serenity



The Mind Meld Elixir of Serenity

Made by the Crystal Masters of the Crystal Inner Circle using auspicious timing of the Moon in the Mansion of the Snows, this crystal elixir is special indeed. If you truly need a time out in your day to just feel whole, human, happy, and content with yourself, this is especially for you.

Mind Meld Crystal Elixirs are a blend of up to 10 specially selected crystal essences blended to produce a fast, effective transfer of potent energy and guidance directly to the mind of the user. These elixirs do have a small amount of a specially selected essential oil to allow a more measured and complete absorption of the crystal energy.

This Mind Elixir of Serenity brings the essences of acceptance crystals, crystals of tranquility,, and crystals of self acceptance to an elixir that is sure to give you a respite of serenity. We can all use that.

This is a type II Mind Meld Crystal Elixir – one formulated to interact with the dreaming mind. It is not for nighttime use but rather for a interlude in your day.


Like all the Mind Meld Crystal Elixirs, this elixir is not used like normal elixirs. Rather, it is directly administered to the 3rd eye chakra by touch. Specifically a drop or two of the elixir is placed on the index finger and the forehead is touch five times in a circle to administer the elixir. With each dap a simple mantra is spoken. This elixir is used with the following mantra.

“I seek a few minutes of serenity and acceptance”.

You can administer this to a child or another person. Say “I seek a few minutes of serenity for you right now.”

This mind meld elixir is easy to use and the effects are quite immediate and pronounced. Keep one nearby on your busy days.

This (and all) Mind Meld Crystal Elixir sold in stores or even to the general public. We offer it only to members of the Crystal Inner Circle. Because this Mind Meld Crystal Elixir is only made when the astrological influences are advantageous with the Moon transiting the Mansion of the Snows, a time of serenity in the cosmos.


Crystal essences of acceptance crystals, crystals of tranquility,, and crystals of self acceptanc, and drop of Sandalwood oil in pure Spring water.

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Like all the Mind Meld Crystal Elixirs, this elixir is not used like normal elixirs. Rather, it is directly administered to the 3rd eye chakra by touch. Specifically a drop or two of the elixir is placed on the index finger and the forehead is touch five times in a circle to administer the elixir. With each dap a simple mantra is spoken. This elixir is used with the following mantra.
“I seek a few minutes of serenity and acceptance”.  
Use it when you have a few minutes in a busy day.  Administer it and just sit a few minutes to let it work.