Amberella – Lithuanian Goddess of the Oceans

Amberella – Lithuanian Goddess of the Oceans



Amberella is the Lithuanian goddess of oceans. She is also from Baltic folklore, so some say she is more of a legend than a goddess. Either way she is still who she is. Her life started off as a normal girl. She would often wander the shores in a daydream, constantly wondering about what her life could be like. Like most young people, there was a whole big wide world to explore, Amberella just had to find a place to start.

Like most teenage girls, she would daydream about the guy of her dreams. Someone who wasn’t realistic to date, who didn’t live anywhere close to her and was probably someone she would never have a chance with was the type she had in mind. Typically teenage girls fall for singers/ actors who could also be described this way, but back then there was no T.V.’s or stars so the people they would think about were princes, heroes from legends or gods. Amberella dreamed of the prince of the seas. She would imagine him showing up on the shore, taking her hand and bringing her with him down to his underwater palace. Many days she spent allow the shore; she would sing, dance, cry and just be herself, it was her place to be alone

What she didn’t know was that she was being watched. The prince of the ocean would secretly watch her; he was infatuated with her. The prince would laugh when she laughed, listen to her lovely when she sang, and would be tortured when she cried because of how much he wanted to cheer her up. There was something special about Amberella that he just couldn’t figure out.

One day the prince finally got the courage to go talk to her. Amberella was startled at first because she wasn’t expecting to see anyone on the beach, especially not a young man who was so unfamiliar to her. They talked for quite a while before the prince told her whom he really was. Immediately after telling her who he was he asked her to come back with him. He told her he had been watching her alone the shore and that he had fallen in love with her. She was stunned and flattered by all this news but wasn’t sure if she should go with him. She told him that she needed a day to think about it and that she would come back tomorrow to give him an answer.          

That night Amberella thought about it a lot, both with excitement and with some fear. The next morning she talked to her parents and told them what happened. They didn’t say anything to her on the subject, partially in disbelief of what she had said. As the day went on she thought about her future, she didn’t know what she was going to do or where she would go later in life. Finally it came time to meet the prince at the beach and give him and answer. The prince awaited her, and when she got there she answered. Amberella said yes, it was even a bit of a surprise to her to hear it come out of her mouth. But in truth, no matter when she could have answered that would have been it. Amberella desired adventure in her life, she needed to explore the world and with the prince she could.              

 It was a tough decision for Amberella, because in order to be with the prince she had to leave everything she had ever known behind. But she followed her heart, and truthfully she was in love with the prince too. From the prince, Amberella was able to leave behind tons of amber as a parting gift for her parents. As life went on she would leave more amber for her parents as gifts.

It took great courage to be with the prince, and go into the unknown world with him. Life isn’t about being fearless; it is about being brave enough to try to do what you want to do most. Following your heart is hard, but home is where the heart is and happiness can be found where your heart leads you. This goddess can teach you how to follow your heart even in the toughest of decisions. To honor her and bring her courage into your life, amber works best. Amber honors how she left her parents and home to find a new one where she belonged. To be brave is not to be fearless; it is to be compassionate and follow your heart into the unknown, let this goddess help lead you.