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Psychic Visions Dream Sachet

Mugwort is used in visionary work, and can be used to enhance psychic abilities, dreams, andvisions. When hung over doorways, it will repel negativity and evil.


  • 1 tsp blue vervain for cleansing stagnantenergy, opening psychic channels, and protection againstevil or manipulative attacks
  • 1 tbsp rosemary for focus, improving memory, purification of a space, and spell acceleration
  • 1 tbsp lavender buds enhances divination and psychic dreaming
  • 2 tsp mugwort aids psychic visions and dreams, also used for purification and cleansing
  • 1/2 tsp amethyst chips stone of transformation, calms restless thoughts and enhances psychic abilities
  • 1 blue sachet bag
  • 1 needle
  • purple thread


  • Place the amethyst in your bag while focusing on its intentions.
  • Add in your herbs.
  • Recite their energies while adding them. For example, "Blue Vervain-cleansing, opening channels, protection...Rosemary-focus, protection, cleansing...etc."
  • Close your bag, and sew it closed with the needle and thread to ensure nothing escapes as you sleep or rest.
  • Sleep with your sachet under your pillow or at your bedside table.


You may substitute 1-2 amethyst tumbled stones if crystal chips are unavailable.